Booster Gold x Shy Reader

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Dedicated to peach2431

Up next: Aquaman x Reader

Later: Hal Jordan x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I overheard the two women across from my desk rambling about how great their dating life was, I honestly could not relate. I had been quiet and shy my whole life, so the whole being out there thing was never my forte.  
  Every time I tried to do something like that, it just ended up becoming a disaster. The men I were with lost interest in me very quickly and always made up a lame excuse to breakup with me.

  Luckily, I was always able to bounce back from tough situations. Speaking of tough, my load appeared to just get higher and higher as I sat at my desk. When it finally turned out to be that time for a break, I gladly got up and made my way to my car. As I did just that, I was pushed to the ground and looked up to see Booster Gold. I was familiar with him, given I had met him through Batman and Superman.

  He quickly apologized and helped me up, checking me over. I waved it off and sent him a tired smile.

  He smiled back at me but cleared his throat saying,"I am truly sorry about that. I was just on my way to-Are you okay?"

  I nodded and said,"Yeah. I have just had a long day at work. I am sure you know how that goes. Well, I don't want to hold you up, and I should really get back in there."

  I groaned, and he laughed saying,"If you are up for it later, I could use a hand with dinner later."

  When I understood what he meant, my face immediately heated up. I had no idea why I got all embarrassed all of a sudden. When I talked to him, you could not even tell that I was shy, and I loved that feeling.

  I said,"I would love to join you. What should I bring?"

  He replied,"Nothing. I have everything."

  I smiled and walked back inside. I watched him leave and smiled to myself, no longer letting my load get me down. I made it over to Gold's house and helped him with dinner. He gladly showed me some new recipes and I had a great time. I was extremely upset, when I realized it was time for me to go.

  He noticed and said,"You could stay a little longer. I don't mind. Here, sit."

  I sat down beside him, and it turned into an awkward silence.

  I cleared my throat and asked him,"What are you doing to me?"

  He seemed caught off-guard and said,"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

  I shook my head and replied,"No. I mean in a good way. When I talk to you, I don't stutter or want to run away. I feel calm and the words just come out. Why is that?"

  He took my hand saying,"It is because you are comfortable with me, and I am comfortable with you. It should make you feel good. I appreciate knowing that you trust me and give me a chance. It is hard to get that, and I am glad Superman and Batman introduced me to you."

  I smiled and said,"Me, too, Gold. Me too."

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