Bruce Wayne x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to -robin.

Info: Alex had a pretty rough past and hopes to become something more by doing some good in someone else's life. She moves to Gotham, and she is no damsel in distress. She may not be your average woman. Along with her struggle of being a good hero, she runs into Bruce Wayne, whom she immediately takes an interest in.

Up next: Bart Allen x Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Requested Reader


  I jumped across the rooftops of Gotham, while I watched my back and made sure that no one was following me. I was sure that Batman may have spotted me along the way, but I promise I was one of the good women trying to fight crime in this city.
  Gotham may not have been my original home, but I liked it here and I have met some pretty extraordinary people. Bruce Wayne being one of them. I may have had a thing for him, but I heard many women did, too.

  I went to make my way inside Wayne Enterprises, but I spotted Bruce talking to what looked like Talia AL Ghūl. I had heard a few things about her, but I knew it was best if I stayed out of her way.
  I took the back entrance to Wayne Enterprises, before I changed and put my bag under my desk. I fixed my hair and Bruce was walking towards my desk. I quickly looked down and began writing stuff inside my note pad.

  A hand stopped me from writing anything else, before I looked up at Bruce and he smiled saying,"I know you were not writing before I got over here, Alex."

  I sighed in defeat and said,"Bruce, you do know my real name is Alexandra, right?"

  Bruce leaned on my desk saying,"I know, but Alex suits you. Anyway, Lucius wanted me to pass this along to you."

  Bruce handed me a folder, and I needed to go and thank Lucius. I got up from my desk and made my way to Lucius' office.

  I felt someone come up beside me, before I smiled and Bruce said,"I was wondering if you would like to maybe join me for dinner later, Alex- I mean Alexandra?"

  I finally made it to Lucius' office, but I felt Bruce grab my hand.

  He stopped me and asked,"What do you say?"

  I smiled saying,"All right, Bruce, I will accept your date offer. You are looking a little tired, are you all right?"

  Bruce nodded and said,"I am fine. Alfred just needed a little help around the Manor. I will see you at dinner. Well, I will pick you up at 7 and..."

  I went to question Bruce again, but he quickly made his way towards his office. I figured I better go thank Lucius now. After I thanked Lucius, he mentioned Bruce, and I immediately turned into a blushing mess. Lucius just smirked, before I quickly made my way out of his office and went home to get ready for my date. I mean I probably was wrong for calling it a date, but I always assumed that when a guy said "dinner."
   I just shrugged it off and made it home in about 15 minutes, before I put on my best outfit. I noticed it was 6:30. Bruce still had 30 minutes to get here, and I would cancel our date if he got here after 7 o'clock. I know it was wrong, but I was a jokester at times.

  I watched Supernatural on the CW, while I leaned on the couch and tried not to mess up my hair.
  I had to make sure not to get too comfortable, before I heard the doorbell go off and checked the time. It was 6:55.

  I smirked and made my way over to the door. I opened the door, and Bruce stood at the door with roses in his right hand. He handed them to me, and I sent him a confused look.

  Bruce frowned and asked me,"Is it the roses? Are you allergic to them?"

  I let out a giggle but shook my head and asked him,"Why are you here? Did I forget to give you my paperwork?"

 Bruce looked so taken back, and I wanted to laugh so hard.

  Bruce went to walk away, but I pulled him back by his collar saying,"Bruce, I was just kidding. I love the roses."

  Bruce let out a sigh of relief, before he took my hand and led me outside. He helped me in the car, then he climbed into the driver's seat. Next, Bruce drove us to some fancy restaurant I could never afford.

  While Bruce tried to find a parking space, I asked him,"Bruce, you are paying for this, right? If I pay for this, there goes my rent and I will have to live on the streets. I would hate to have to ask a dog for money."

  Bruce laughed saying,"Of course, I will. I would not put you in that position. You could always stay with me."

  I blushed, before Bruce led me inside and towards a really nice table. I stared at it for what felt like hours, because it was the nicest table I had ever seen. Bruce looked at me like I was crazy, before I blushed in embarrassment.

  He just smiled and opened my chair for me, before I took a seat. Bruce made his way over to his chair and then sat down in it. I watched as Bruce seemed so relaxed and calm, as if he was not sitting down in a billion-dollar chair.

  I was afraid I would break my own chair, so I would occasionally look down and wonder,"How would I ever pay for this?"
  Bruce cleared his throat and asked me,"What would you like? I suggest the lasagna or steaks. They are really good."

  I nodded and asked Bruce,"Why are you so willing to give me so much attention? Am I on Undercover Boss or something? Where are the cameras?"

  I looked around and felt Bruce's hand over mine, before he squeezed my hand saying,"There are no cameras, and I can reassure you that I wanted to come on this date with you. I do want to get to know you better, Alex. I am serious."

  I smiled and nodded, before I looked down at Bruce's hand saying,"You can let go of my hand, Bruce. I am reassured now."

  Bruce looked me in the eyes saying,"I know, but I want to hold your hand."

  I blushed madly and cleared my throat, before Bruce laughed and continued to hold my hand. I smiled down at my menu, while I noticed Bruce doing the same.

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