Tim Drake x Reader Part 2

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Up next: Hal Jordan x Reader

Later: Bart Allen x Reader

    Y/N'S POV

  Recap: After Jason and Tim walked out, I laid back down and thought about how I ended up here. Why did this happen and why now? Will Tim ever feel the same way about me, as I do him? Ughh, this is too much thinking!!


  I woke up to still being inside Wayne Manor. That's odd...Normally, I would have been back at home. At least, that was how it went in some movies. I lazily got out of bed, but really, I was not feeling it.
  I managed to push myself up and took a quick shower, before I put on my favorite Batman shirt and shorts. With that, I headed towards the kitchen. As I did just that, I felt eyes on me. I turned and saw Bruce standing there.

  I jumped, which caused him to chuckle and say,"I am deeply sorry, Y/N. I did not mean to scare you. Look, about yesterday, I hope you will come to forgive me. I just..."

  I waved it off and smiled up at Bruce saying,"I forgive you, Batman. I do. My brother is a big fan, by the way."

  Bruce nodded and suggested,"Why don't I send him something that you could take back with you? Hopefully, that will do him some good and remind him to take care of his younger sister for me."

  I wanted to fangirl so much, because Bruce Wayne just admitted that he cared about me.


  I quickly caught my breath, which caused Bruce to chuckle and smile asking me,"Are all women like this, when it comes to me where you come from?"

  I giggled and nodded saying,"Yeah, but some are way worse. Luckily, I am the only one that made it through. My best friend would kill me knowing I have seen Jason already. She would love to have his number."

  Bruce noticed Jason walking by and yelled,"JASON, COME HERE, SON!!"

  Jason jogged over to us and sent me a soft smile. Then, he turned to Bruce and waited for what he had to say to him.

  Bruce motioned to me saying,"You know how Y/N is not from here, right?"

  Jason nodded and gave Bruce a blank look saying,"I am aware that Y/N is not from here. What is it?"

  Bruce rolled his eyes at Jason's attitude, but he pushed past it and said,"Y/N just informed me that one of her best friends would be interested in getting your number. What do you say?"

  Jason thought about it but smirked asking me,"Is she hot?"

  Bruce sighed, and I giggled saying,"Todd, is it a yes or no? Please, she could really use someone like you."

  Jason sent me another smile and nodded saying,"Sure, what is her number? Here."

  Jason handed me his phone, and I handed him my phone. Y/B/F/N's number was already in my phone, so Jason just put his number in mine and sent her a text message. He handed me back my phone, before he kissed my forehead and jogged up the stairs.

  I smiled, and Bruce lifted my chin saying,"May we take a walk, Y/N? If you do not mind."

  I nodded and linked my arms in Bruce's. Bruce smiled and led me down the hall, before he cleared his throat and said,"So, have you come to love the boys yet? Anyone in particular?"

  Bruce stopped walking and smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

  I blushed madly and stuttered saying,"Uh...maybe...I...uh..."

  Bruce chuckled and waved it off saying,"It is fine, Y/N. I am not going to interrogate you about it. Though, I believe Tim does feel the same about you. He realizes how special you are, just like this family has."

  Tears formed in my eyes at Bruce's words, and he pulled me in for a hug. I always wondered what it was like to be in Batman's embrace...and it was very reassuring and warm. He made you feel like everything was going to be all right, even without using his words.

  Bruce hugged me tighter and said,"You are always welcome to stay as long as you want, but that decision is up to you. You do have family where you come from. First, do me a favor and talk to Tim?"

  I nodded and kissed Bruce's cheek, before I headed downstairs to the Batcave. I knew he would be down there, because I just knew. Once I made it down, I noticed Tim training with Dick. I blushed immediately at the sight and could not believe I was about to confess my feelings to Tim.

  Well, what do I say? How do I even start? Do I just say it or try to ease into it?

  I could not just say,"Hey, Tim. I have watched you for years, and I have come to fall in love with you. Very in love with you. You know, the usual. You watch me, too, right?"

  Okay, maybe not the last part, but that sounded stalkerish. Right?

  I was taken out of my thoughts by Tim walking towards me. Dick sent me a wink, before he rushed up the stairs. Once Tim reached me, he crashed his lips into mine. It felt so surreal, but I automatically kissed back. Tim brought me closer and carefully tightened his grip around me.

  After a while, Tim pulled away and put his forehead on mine saying,"I...I love you, Y/N. Please don't leave me."

  My heart melted at his words, and I gladly pulled him back in. Tim smiled in the kiss, and I had a decision to make. Which one should I make: Stay or go? There was a positive and negative to both, but what if I could outsmart the two choices?

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