Bruce Wayne x Teenage Reader

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This Bruce Wayne x Teenage Reader has been on my mind for a while now. No matter what the recent events have been, I'll always miss Hannah Montana and all her inspiring songs!! Butterfly Fly Away spoke to me the most, and this was a great opportunity to sort of play around with Bruce and the reader. Maybe even a softer look on Bruce. Who else saw the announcement trailer for Injustice 2!! One word to describe it: AMAZING!! If you didn't see it, go check it out! I'm so excited to get it myself!

Up next: Wally West x Reader

Later: Roy Harper x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  At this very moment, I stood near the shoreline of one of Gotham's finest beaches. Gotham was nice, but it had its moments. This city was getting better and that was because of one person: my stepfather, Bruce Wayne.
  He was not my real father, but you couldn't tell by how much he had done for me. If I knew him as well as I thought I did, which I do, I knew he was on his way to me right now. I did not mean to make him so worried about me, but I...I just wanted to be alone.

  The more I stared at the currents, the more tears that formed in my eyes. I thought about everything at once, and I could not stop my thoughts as much as I wanted to.
  These last past few weeks had been too much for me, and I did not know where to go or what to do.

  I heard footsteps and chuckled weakly saying,"You know, I heard you from a mile away. You did train me."

  Bruce nodded and said,"And there was never a day when I was not proud of you, but what is going on? I know you are just like me in some ways, but I hope you will let me in. I am not your real father, but I will try to be. I-"

  Tears clouded my vision, before I ran to Bruce. I wrapped my arms around his waist and broke down on his chest.
Bruce did not know what to do, but he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

  I cried harder and held on to Bruce saying,"Please do not leave me. I am so sorry."

  Bruce shook his head and held me tighter saying,"No, you deserve much better. You have nothing to apologize for. C'mon, let's go see your mom."

  Bruce pulled away and wiped my tears, before he held out his hand for me. I smiled weakly at him and placed my hand in his own, then he helped me into the car.
  I smiled and thanked him, before Bruce drove us to my Mom's house. I did not live here, but I was glad Bruce had the idea to come here. I hadn't seen my mother in a couple of weeks.

  Once we arrived at my mother's house, Bruce walked me in.

  I noticed he stopped at the door, and I smirked saying,"You are not afraid of my mother, are you Batman? Please come with me, you did save me."

  Bruce sent me a genuine smile, before I sent him one back. Bruce walked in with me, before my mom greeted us at the door.
  She kissed my forehead, and Bruce pulled her in for a kiss. Mom blushed, but she kissed back. I stuck out my tongue in disgust, which made Bruce chuckle and send me a wink.

  I smiled and blew him a kiss, before I jogged up the stairs and to my old room. Once I walked in, I went looking for my old guitar. My biological father had given it to me, before he died. This guitar had always been special to me, and I would never sell it for anything in the whole world.
  I headed out to our backyard. Our backyard surrounded by many acres of land. Acres of land accompanied by beautiful roses and tress.

  I enjoyed the silence, yet Bruce ruined it asking me,"What are you up to, kiddo?"

  I chuckled and smiled up at Bruce saying,"I am not a kid anymore, Bruce."

  Bruce sat down beside me and looked me in the eyes saying,"I know, Y/N, I know. I have had the pleasure of watching you grow into a beautiful young lady, who knows who she wants to be. I know I keep on reminding you that I am not your father, and I would never try to replace your honorable father. He was a very good man. However, I am glad I have gotten the chance to be in your life."

  I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, before I said,"Really?"

  Bruce smiled at me and rested his hand on my cheek, before he stroked it slowly saying,"Really. The truth is: I have always seen you as my real daughter. I love you, Y/N. I always will."

  This time, I let my tears fall and sniffed saying,"I love you, too, Bruce. If it is all the same to you, Bruce, can I call you Dad now?"

  Bruce had the biggest smile on his face and hugged me saying,"You can, Y/N. Can you sing?"

  I nodded and looked at Bruce for a minute, before I took a deep breath and started strumming my guitar.

  Bruce smiled over at me, and I sung softly saying,"

You tucked me in; turned out the light,

Kept me safe and sound at night.

Little girls depend on things like that.

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair, had to drive me everywhere.

You were always there when I looked back,

You had to do it all alone make a living and make a home

Must've been as hard as it could be..

And when I couldn't sleep at night, scared things wouldn't turn out right.

You would hold my hand and sing to me..

  I looked up at Bruce, as more tears fell down my face. Bruce put his hand over mine, before he looked down at my song book. He looked at me for a minute, and he took a deep breath and...

  God was/is my witness, Bruce started singing. Batman also possessed a voice. A very good one.

  I chuckled weakly, before Bruce sung with me saying,"

Caterpillar in the tree, how you wonder who you'll be..

Can't go far but you can always dream

Wish you may and wish you might

Don't you worry, hold on tight

I promise you that there will come a day,

Butterfly Fly Away..

Got your wings now you can't say,

Take those dreams and make them all come true.

Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly Fly Away..

  Once Bruce and I finished, I wasn't sure how many tears I had shed. Bruce had tears in his own eyes, before he pulled me in for a side hug.

  He gave me a kiss and hugged me tight saying,"I love you so much, Y/N. I will never leave you."

  I nodded and sniffed saying,"I love you, too, Batman. Thank you for being here for me."

  Bruce nodded and held me tighter. I enjoyed being in his arms, and we turned to see Mom standing there.

  She wiped her tears, before she said,"Aww, that is all I ever wanted for you two. C'mon, dinner is ready!"

  Mom sent me a genuine smile and walked out, before Bruce helped me up. I gave him another hug, then he smiled and followed me inside the house.
  I knew the past was hard for me, but now it was reassuring to know I had a new father. A new father that loved me back and was going to be here every step of the way.

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