Bucky Barnes- It Ain't Me Babe (c)

Start from the beginning

You raised your head from your hands, slightly confused as to what was occurring.


"Pretend I'm Bucky. Tell me everything you want to tell him, try and stay coherent and you can think it through. If you screw up it doesn't matter, and nevertheless it'll simply be practice for you for when you tell him and it might give you confidence in that you know what to say to him," he smiled encouragingly.

"Don't you think that'll be a bit weird? Me confessing my undying love to you, pretending you're your best friend?" You asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's fine Y/N/N. I want you two to be happy and I shall say a lovely speech at your wedding," he grinned.

"Don't make me hit you again."

He smiled softly at you before telling you to start when you were ready. It still felt a little weird, but you chewed on your lower lip before letting out a deep sigh getting ready to speak.

"Even though I have known you for a matter of months, I basically knew you for years prior. You are a hero even if some people see you as the villain. You were manipulated and twisted but even through that your heart stayed pure and innocent. No matter what you have stayed a good man that Steve forever looked up to, and it is admirable that someone can see you in such a spotlight without distorting the truth. I know that you think you are broken and torn apart, but you have fought everything that is attacking you and I can't help but love you. You are brave and smart, and a perfect gentlemen. Anyone you are ever with will be the luckiest human to ever walk the earth and I am more than grateful to simply be your friend. You are all I can think about, and no matter how cheesy or cliché that is, I love you."

Your words were from the heart. Even though you were facing Steve all you could picture was Bucky, but when you turned to the noise behind you, you know longer had to picture him in your head as you could see his distraught face.

It wasn't clear how long he had been stood there but his face said everything. Within seconds of your eyes meeting, it was simply a fleeting moment before he fled from the room and out of the house.

You turned to Steve who looked equally as confused. Pouncing to your feet you followed Bucky out of your home into the impending storm.

"Bucky," you called out.

The brunette turned to you with a mixture of sadness and anger on his face.

"Look I-"

He cut you off.

"I'm happy for you," he stated.


"Let me speak," he said with a bitter voice.

You froze.

The rain beat against your face and hair as your breathing became unsteady. You weren't quite sure whether it was due to the icy wind and water layering your skin, or it was the nerves of Bucky actually hearing the truth, even if you weren't facing him at all.

"I love you Y/N. Plain and simple. I have since we first met. You were there for Steve and I when we had no one else, and I can't thank you enough for you protecting and caring for Steve when I couldn't. In all of the darkness, you were the light. But I can't be the person you want, need or deserve. You need someone who is strong, who can't be manipulated and lost control. You need someone who knows what they are doing and can control themselves, and I can't. I'm a weak man, I can't do anything to change that because I am forever under their control whether I want to be or not. I want to protect you. I want to make sure you never have to face the darkness alone, but I know that cannot be me. You need a reliable man, who knows they can care for you and be there for you, but I can't. I'm dangerous and unpredictable.

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