Chapter 84

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Warning: This chapter contains reference to a certain person in my life. If you are that certain person, please do not pay attention to the chapter and move on to the next chapter or wait until the newest own is publish.

May 14, 2015


"No, don't pick that cake, pick that one!" I yelled as he scrolled down the website. In two days it was Joey's 24th birthday, so we were gonna have a party for him. It was also Cat's 26th birthday, so we were gonna have a combined party with her and Joey. I know that Cat has tried to kill me in the past, but she's "changed her ways," so I trust her.

"How about a big Minecraft cake instead of a traditional cake?" Joey had the idea of.

"But Cat doesn't play minecraft so it would most likely make it seem like the party is for yourself." I point out.

"I almost forgot. What about a LOL cake?"

"But you play Minecraft more than League of Legends.." We then began getting more and more ideas until it finally came to me. "What about a combination of LOL and Minecraft!?"

"That's a great idea!" He yelled out and began to start to ordering the cake with lots of details and ordered it for May 16.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I went over to answer it to see who it was. It as David with a box in his hands.

I open the door as he struggles to put it onto the kitchen table by the sliding doors. As soon as he puts it down, Nyielle starts crying from upstairs.

"Joey, can you take care of her right now?" I ask as he gets off the couch and runs upstairs quickly.

"What's in the box?" I ask quietly as I see that Joey is in the kid's bedroom.

"It's a bunch of candy for the party. Don't tell Joey today or he won't let me have it here." David whispered as he started to set up the candy station.

"How are we gonna hide it from Joey, though?"

"Simple. Just put the box cover on it and say it's his birthday present and if he opens it, he'll burn into a fiery pit of death and despair." My eyes widened after he finished his sentence.


David laughed at my comment. "I was kidding, but still just say he's not gonna get anything else for his birthday if he looks in the box."

"I guess that's better."

I then heard another knock on the door. I quickly skipped to the door and opened it to reveal Jaylen.

"Hey, stranger! It's been so long!" I said while giving her a hug.

"Hey, girl. I'm having a problem." She said when releasing me from the hug.

"Oh, can co–"

"Okay, cool. Thanks for letting me inside." She said as she walked in and jumped onto the couch.

"Okay then.." I then sit down on the couch next to her and grab my Frappucino Vanilla that Joey bought for me earlier that morning.

"Ooh, is that food?! You got more!?" Jaylen yelled as she reached out for the cup.

"Uhh, Joey bought me only the one cup, but if you want, I have a Chi–"

"Chick-Fil-A!? I love CFA! Where is it?" She asked while going into the kitchen.

"In the fridge.." She then went rummaging into the fridge and started devouring the sandwich into the whole.

"Do you have anymore!?"

"No.." She then grunted and sat back down on our couch. "Don't you have a problem that you need me to solve other than you cleaning out my fridge!?"

"Oh yeah. Number one, you solved my problem of hunger so that's nice. Number two, I have a problem with my sister Megan. Me and her have been having trouble with getting along, she talking about me on social media and her going out with my best friend–Arianna–'s boyfriend Kyle. She's the reason why all of my friendships are breaking up and now she's blaming all the stuff on me."

"Well, why don't you just talk to her and make her see the problem from your point of view?"

"No dip Sherlock. She won't talk to me no matter what."

"Well just let the problem play out."

"Tried that too but she keeps talking about me on Snapchat!"

I then began to snap on her. "Well, if you don't want to take my advice, then get out my dang house!"

"Well fine then! Have fun dealing with your life without me in it! We can become friends again when you get yourself together!"

"Get myself together!? You're the one who only came her to eat my food, tell me about your problems, then insult me when I try to help you!"

"Well, in my opinion, you weren't that much of my time anyways."

"Isn't that a coincidence!? I feel the exact same way!"






"Get out!"

She then left with a slam of the door and a loud screech of her tires. I then huffed my breath and angrily sat on my couch and took another sip of my drink.


Surprise! This isn't the end of the book just yet! I'm gonna write about two or three more chapters before finally finishing this book and starting the other.

Hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to:






Ps. If you were the person who was in the chapter and you read the chapter, just know that I did try to warn you but you still decided to read this..😐courtesy to you, you low-key savage😎.

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