Chapter 52

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The next day, I wake up and roll over to my side. I saw that Joey wasn't there, but a note was in the place of his body.

"Didn't wanna wake you, went to go pick up Alexa. XOXO Joey." The note read. I smiled and held it to my chest.

He's gonna be a keeper. I remember my dad saying last Thanksgiving Break. I then looked over at the nightstand and saw something glistening. It was my engagement ring. I quickly picked it up and put it on my left ring finger. It looked so beautiful upon my finger.

I then went over to kitchen and saw a plate that had bacon, eggs, waffles, and grapes on it with a note that said "Here's a delicious breakfast for my favorite little sweetheart. ~Joey."

Wow. He's sweet and corny at the same time. I thought.

I grabbed my plate and went back into the living room to watch Netflix on my computer while I ate my breakfast. After I was finished, I heard the door open and looked over with excitement to realize that it was only Sawyer.

"Oh it's just you." I said with angry sarcasm in my voice and turned back towards my computer.

"Well, hello to you too." Sawyer says and comes over to where I was sitting. "Whatcha watching?"

"I don't know yet. I just finished a movie and now looking for a show to watch."

"Oh, what do you wanna watch?"

I sighed. "I don't know. But I wanna be able to watch something with Alexa when they get back."

"Well, I'll help you think of one if you need me to. I know what Joey likes."

"I know, but he doesn't wanna watch me."

Sawyer laughed. "You're funny, Nina." He then got off the couch and went back into his room. I continued to look through Netflix, and decided to just decided to put on reruns of Project Runway. As I out the second season on, I heard the door unlock. I turned around and saw my well and healthy sister and my gorgeous boyfriend standing outside the door way. I got up from the couch and walked over to hug Alexa.

"Oh my god, Alexa. I'm so glad you're home. I'm so happy to have you still in my life. I love you so much and I never want you to let me go ever again." I started to cry. I was so happy to be able to hold my little baby sister in my arms again.

"Oookkkkaaayyy." She mumbled. I looked over at Joey to ask why she was talking like that.

"They put her on some medication to help her mouth pains and numb the pain in her mouth." He explained. I released Alexa from our hug and went over to do the same for Joey. I then went back over and pulled both of them towards the couch.

"Whhhhaaaattttt arrrrreeee wweeeee doooooinnnnggg??" Alexa asked as she leaned onto my shoulder.

"We're watching SpongeBob. I remember when we used to watch this show as kids and sing along to the theme song every time it came on TV. Do you Alexa?"

"Nnnoooootttt rrrrreeeeaaalllyyy."

"Alright, let's get it started." After I hit the play button, Alexa was out like a light. Those media had worked fast!

"Joey, can I talk to you for a sec?" I whispered towards him. He got off the couch without saying a word and went into the room and shut the door behind him.

"Yeah, Nina. What's wrong?" He asked me, concerned.

"Nothing's wrong really. If you remember, today's Alexa's birthday. It's April 6th. And I wanna do something special, so imma take her out to her favorite restaurant while you, Sawyer, and Jenny stay here and set up the party. I invited all her favorite YouTubers, except Tyler and the Brits, and the cake I ordered is on the way. Just put it on the counter and DON'T touch it. If you touch it, the entire cake will mess up, and I'm not even kidding. Got it?" He nodded his head with agreement.

We then walked out of the room and saw that Alexa was still sleeping. "Alright, since she's still sleeping, I want you and Sawyer to go out and buy these things on this list. Don't forget anything." I whispered while handing him the list and telling him to get Sawyer. After they left, I picked out something to wear for both me and Alexa to wear tonight.

For Alexa, I got the same green knee-length dress that I wore on me and Joey's first date with black high-heeled sandals and a pearled bracelet. For me, I picked a pink maturity shirt with light jeans and white flats. After about half an hour of getting my hair and makeup finished, Alexa finally got up and came into the bathroom where I was.

"Hey, where did everyone else go?" She stretched.

"Oh, um..Joey and Sawyer went out for a little while. Hey, how about this? Tonight, me and you go out for tonight. Just you and me. And I'll even pay."

"I guess that'll be fine, but I don't have anything to wear that fancy."

"I already have and outfit for you." I then took out the dress and showed it to her.

She gasped, "It's so beautiful. Are you sure?"

I nodded. I then left her in the bathroom to get dressed and I put on my outfit. As I took off my pajama shirt, I looked at my stomach.

Just three more months, Nina, I thought to myself. Then everything will go back to the way things were.

After she got dressed, I then grabbed my clothes and got dressed myself. As I finished up, I got a text from Joey.

Joey 💕(now):
Hey, we're back home with the stuff. Do you want us to wait out in the car until you guys leave or what?

I immediately texted back.

"Yeah, just wait there until you see us about to leaving then go back in."


After I finished getting ready, I do Alexa's makeup and hair and we were on our way out. We got into my car with me driving and her in the passenger's seat. As we pull off, I see Joey and Sawyer carrying a few bags inside the apartment building. I then look in the back and see my gift. Earlier that day, I put her gift in the backseat of the car so she wouldn't be able to see it.

"So, where are we going?" She asked about five minutes since we pulled out the parking lot.

"We're going to your favorite restaurant."

"And what's that?"




Author's Note:

Hey guys,

I know, I know you guys have been waiting for an update in like, forever. But I've been lacking on schoolwork and failing one class because I haven't been too busy doing free time stuff instead of school stuff. So, if I'm ever late on an update, I hope you guys will understand that I've been really busy and haven't been able to do that much.

Also, my book is so close to 900 views!! How did that happen!?

I love all my Purple Diamonds and wish you all a great Thanksgiving since I won't post that whole week since I HAVE A LIFE TOO, PEOPLE!!

Love you all! ()/


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