Chapter 47

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About twenty minutes after being inside the ambulance, we were finally at the hospital. I was rushed into the emergency room and taken into examination. They said I had fragmented the front of my leg, and they also said that I would have to be on crunches for about three months.

"What about my baby? Will he be fine?" I asked in a very worried voice.

"He will be fine. As long as you eat healthy and not do any dangers things like going surfing or going on bumpy rides or other things, your baby will be fine." He explained to me about the baby.

"Thanks, Doctor.."

"Nathan. Dr. Nathan."

"Well, thank you Dr. Nathan." He then gave me a pair of crunches and tried my best to walk out. They took me to the casting room and put me on a temporary cast. They said that in two weeks I can get my permanent cast, so I have to try to not to get this one wet.

I was then sent home. Joey waited for me in the waiting room of the hospital, so we then went home since we couldn't do anything else due to my injury.

"Well, where do you wanna go now? It's only noon, and now we have nothing else to do since we have to wait till 6 to get our dinner."

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. It's not like I can do anything now. Let's just go home, I guess."

We then got back into the car and drove home. We sung every song on the way back to LA and by the time we finally got home, our voices hurt like crazy.

When we finally got home, Joey had to carry me up the stairs on his back and help me inside the door.

"We're back!" We screamed when we opened the door and shut it behind us. Sawyer then came out of his room, holding Jenny's hand in the process.

"What happened to you, Nina!?" Jenny said while comforting me and giving me a hug.

"Long story short, I broke my leg. The police are on the case of how I broke it because I have no clue, and they are looking at the investigation right now. Let's just say, I'm gonna be in a cast for three months, and this is my temporary cast right now." I explained.

"Oh, well that sucks."

"Yup, but the good news is I won't have to go to school for two weeks, so YAY!"

"But who will I talk to when I get bored in Home Ec?"

"Talk to Sean."

Her eyes widened. "Don't talk about him in front"

Sawyer looked up from his phone. "Don't talk about who in front of me?"

" ex-boyfriend, Sean. We broke up before I met you. He used to cheat on me a lot so I broke it off. I never talked to him again. He's dating another chick now, but he's also cheating on her too, probably. But don't worry, I love you better than I can ever love him. You are my everything Sawyer, and I love you."

She then kissed him. I love how she's taking my quotes from what I say to Joey..😒

"Fine, I love you too."

I interrupted then. "Hey, why don't you just talk to Jade? She's always on her phone or something, and we all have the same classes, and you two literally sit right next to each other. Just talk to her."

"I can't. She had a fight with Kaden, and when I tried to comfort her about it, she started to scream at me and we never talked again since."

I then heard a vibration in my pocket. I take my phone out and I see the name Jada Boo! popped up.

"We'll, she's calling me right now. Maybe she wants to talk to you now.." I then handed her my phone and she answered it and put it on speaker.

"Hello? Hello? Nina, you there?" Jade said through the phone, sadness in her voice.

"Hey, Jade." Jenny answered her, silently.

"What do you want, Jennifer? I'm still mad at you."

"Why are you mad? All I did was try to comfort you and say that he's a dip sh** for getting mad at you."

"That's why I'm mad at you! You don't call my boyfriend a dip sh** unless I say that he is one! You wouldn't like that if I called Sawyer that, now would you?! This is why we are in this crap now! Your big mouth and your stupid behind brain. Don't talk to me until you are ready to apologize for what you have done." Jenny started crying.

They are best friends, they shouldn't be fighting! I thought. I've gotta do something.

"Jade, just calm down. You don't have to get onto Jenny about this. She was just trying to be a good friend and try to help you while you are hurt." I interrupted before things got even more ugly.

"You know what, Nina. You need to shut the f*** up. Ain't nobody asked for your two cents and I see that you are taking Jenny's side, like always. You are always taking Jenny's side, even though you've known me longer than you have EVER known Jenny."

"I'm not taking Jenny's si-"

"Whatever Nina. You have two choices: me or Jenny. And right now, you're choosing Jenny. You both are getting on my nerves right now."

"Jade, no me importa un carajo lo que piensa de mí o Jenny. Yo no quiero ser amigos con usted o bien y en este momento , en mi opinión, puede ir a morir en un agujero." I spoke.

I then hung up the phone and threw it onto the couch.

"Wow..what did you say to her?" Sawyer asked me with fright in his eyes.

"Let's just say, it wasn't pretty.."

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ