Chapter 4

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The next morning, I woke up at 7:00 in the morning to be able to get dressed, get Sniffles fed, and to go to class on time. I turned off my alarm, fixed up me and Sniffles some breakfast, and picked out something for me to wear for the day.

Just as I was about to pull my shirt off, i heard my phone ringing in the kitchen.i quickly sprinted to the phone.

"Hello?" I answered the phone while running back to my room. I then put my phone on speaker so that I could be able to hear who was talking while I got dressed.

"Hey, Nina Noodles!" Jennifer said in her wide awake voice.

"Hey, Jenny Chan! What's up, you know we have to get to class soon."

"I know, I just needed to tell you that today, I am feeling generous enough to give you and Jade a ride."

"Sweet, thanks hun. I'll be ready at 8:30."

"Sweet, bye!"


I then hung up the phone and started to put on my pants.

My #OOTD was a black and white striped shirt that said "My Greatest Luck" with all kinds of gold on a horse shoe, flowery pants, and black flats.

I don't know what is with me and flats these days, but I didn't wanna figure it out either.

When I was finally dressed, it was 8:03, which meant I had just enough time to make a fruit smoothie.

I got together the yogurt, frozen strawberries, and blueberries together and blended it all together for at least two or three minutes.

By the time it was finally 8:27, my smoothie was gone and I was getting my purse and bookbag off of my bed.


The sound of Jennifer's car startled me as I quickly put Sniffles in her cage and ran to her car.

I hopped into the back seat and put on my seatbelt. Five minutes after I was picked up, I got a text message.

"Who is that?" Jennifer asked.

"I don't know, I haven't checked." I answered while getting my phone out of my back pocket.

I then pressed the home button and saw the text message was from Joey.

Joey ❤(now):

Have a wonderful day at school! 😊

I then text him back saying, "Thanks. Don't forget to vlog today!"

"I won't."

We then got to a stop light and Jennifer and Jade looked back at me.

"Who was it?" Jade asked once again.

"Uhm, it was Joey saying to have a good day."

"You two are getting very serious. Why don't you just go out?"

"I don't know, we're just best friends so I don't wanna make our relationship awkward if he doesn't like me back."

"As much time you two spend with each other, I'm pretty sure he might like you back." Jennifer pointed out.

"I guess you're right, but just in case, I'm gonna wait a few more years until I tell him that I like him."

A few more minutes later was just filled with us singing to songs that came on the radio and just talking about other things, like our pets and our hopes and dreams(mushy stuff like that).

No longer than five minutes of silence, we arrived at the university. I was so tired as soon as we pulled up that as soon as my foot stepped out, I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep.

I walked to Victoria Hall and got to my first class, which was History of the Art.

As I went and took my seat, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put it on silent, just in case I wanted to text Joey if I got bored.

If I was to text Joey, I sat all the way in the back of the room and pulled out my history book.

"Welcome, class!" my history teacher, Professor Emerald, said with loud and enthusiasm in his voice. "Today, we will be talking about the pyramids in Eygpt."

I then suddenly got a text message from Jade.


Hey, whatcha doing?

I then slid the message across the screen to answer her.

"Texting Joey. What about you?"

"Just getting cool backgrounds and pictures offline and making them look even cooler."

When Jennifer finally graduates and gets her masters in the Arts, she would like to be a photographer and get a better job to afford to get out of her tiny apartment and into a one story house with her cat, Mittens.

She didn't have much of a family in Los Angeles ever since her mom died and her dad moved back to Montana, where his family originated from.

"Can anyone tell me why Egypt isn't all desert?" Professor Emerald asked.

I'm sure he saw me staring down at something, so he then called, "Miss Fury?"

I then started to panic and wish I would've paid attention while he was talking.

"Uhm..." I started to say.

Professor Emerald then climbed up the stairwell and stopped to where I was sitting. When he got their, he put his hand down and I put my phone in it.

"You will get this back after class." He said then walked back down to his potium.

He then continued to teach his lesson, and after a few more minutes of him talking about the pharaohs and the things that they were buried in, the bell finally rang, and everyone was out of the door and was on their way to their next class while I was held back to be able to get my phone.

"Now, Miss Fury. You know how I feel about phones out during class. Now, why was your phone out during class." Professor Emerald explained.

I had to come up with a lie, and fast or I will get detention.

"Well, Professor Emerald, I was trying to turn my phone off because so many people were texting me, such as my mother, my friend Joey, my other friend who's not in this class Jade and Jenny, and more and more. So when you called on me, my phone finally put the option to turn off or cancel, so I slid turn off and by the time you came up the steps, it turned off all the way." I lied.

"Oh, okay then. You are still going to have detention next Saturday and that will be your punishment. Can't do it this Saturday because I have other things to do."

I then walked out of the classroom and tried to run from Victoria Hall to Stevn Hall to get to my next class, which was Chemistry of the Arts.

I finally made it there three seconds before the bell rung which meant that class has begun.

We were starting a new project where we had to make a new chemical that could fix the constant problem of getting stains on a piece of clothing and it just won't come out.

"Hello, class! It is time to get with your partners and get to work. You have all period to be able to get the chemicals you need To create the mixture." my chemistry teacher, Ms. Stratford, informed.

We then got together with our groups after she gave instructions. I picked Jade to be my partner, and Jennifer picked Sean since she was his girlfriend.

Me and Jade ended up being early, and tried it out with the piece of clothing that had a spaghetti stain on it. We put a little bit of the mixture on, and dabbed it and in twenty seconds, the stain was gone.

We called Ms. Stratford over and told her we were finished, and she checked it out and we ended up getting an A+.

That was good, so then she said that we could do whatever we wanted for the rest of the hour we had left, so we just played games on our phones and texted each other, and I was texting Joey.

At least I started off with a bad day, but a few more words from Joey, and I was just fine.

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