Chapter 46

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After we got some snacks and some gas, we were on our way for an hour drive to Disney Land! I am so excited for this trip!

"Woohoo! Time to get on the road!" I yelled after we finally drove out of the 7-Eleven parking lot.

"Yeah, I know right? This will be my second time going to Disney Land. What about you?" Joey asked me in an excited way.

I never told Joey I haven't been to Disney Land before. Well, here goes nothing..

"I've never been before.."

"Wow, really? You were so calm two days ago about going that I thought you were excited to go again!"

"Well, nope. Never been before. And we couldn't go when I grew older, even though we were supposed to, but we had figured out that my mom got cancer, so we just had to skip it."

Joey's smile then slowly faded away. "I bet your mom was a great woman."

"She was. She was that kinda mom who would always want to do something, never wanted to stay in one place or sit around the house like a couch potato. She would wanna get out every weekend and go to new places. We had adventured all over Montana, from the mountains to the borders to other states. We would always playfully step over the borders just to be funny."

Joey giggled. "Can we do that one day?"

"Maybe when we have our little boy."

"Yeah. Maybe.." He then tickled my stomach which made me burst out with laughter.

"Joey stop! Don't tickle me! STOP! Oh my god quit!"

I then slapped his hand playfully. He stopped and was laughing really hard. For the rest of the drive, we were jamming out to the music, telling stories about our life before we met each other, and listening o the sound of our GPS for the rest of our trip.

When we finally got to the gate of Disney, I checked the time. 9:23.

We showed our IDs at the gate of the parking lot. We then parked our car in the parking lot closest to the park itself.

We then got in line to buy our passes and tickets. It was a very long time and the wait was at least 45 minutes long. About forever later, we were finally able to buy our passes and go to the actual park.

"Wow, it looks so BEAUTIFUL!" I yelled as soon as we were inside the park.

"I know, that's how I felt when I had my first experience." He giggled when he wrapped his arms around me from behind. He then kissed my cheek and let me go.

Our first land we went to was Adventure Land, and we went on the Indiana Jones Adventure.

It was really fun. It was a really fun show and I had a lot of fun watching it.

"Where to next, Nin?" He asked while looking at the map.

"We can go to New Orleans Square and go to Haunted House." I suggested while pointing out the ride on the map.

"Are you sure? What about the baby?"

"He'll be fine. Let's just go!"

"I don't know, Nina. That's a really jumpy ride and it might affe-"

"I wanna go, I wanna go, I WANNA GO!" I then grabbed his hand and dragged him by the hand. He rolled his eyes and followed me to New Orleans Square.

After the ride, we went to the photo booth and looked at our picture. I waited and finally, our picture came up. I was with my hands up while smiling and laughing while Joey also had his hands up and looking terrified.

"Look at you!" I laughed.

"Whatever, let's leave." He said while walking away. I grabbed his arm and he turned back around and walked back towards me.

"I wanna buy this picture!" I whined while pointing to it.

He sighed. "Fine, we can buy it."

"Yay! Can I have picture 21403-5?" I asked the cashier. We got two key chains, an 8x11 photo, and a 5x4 photo.

"Cool, where do we go NEEEEXT?" I said before I tumbled over and fell on my leg.

"Nina, are you okay?" Joey immediately asked me before trying to help me up. He pulled me and I quickly started to feel pain.

"Ow! Joey..I think i broke something. My leg really freaking hurts." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Well, what happened?"

"I don't know, i just fell on the ground really hard and now my leg huts. What do I do?"

"Um, let's go to the First Aid. Can you be able to walk there?"

"Joey, I can barely move."

"Fine, I'll carry you then." He then picked me up bridal style and carried me to the First Aid, which was located all the way to the front of the park.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Joey knocked on the door. He then. Opened it and inside sat a little old lady, which made me think that she was the nurse.

"What do you need, miss?" The lady asked in her sweet old lady voice.

"Well, we were just walking out of the Haunted House and I suddenly fell on the ground and my leg really hurts."

Joey then sat me down on the bed in the office and the lady swung her wheel chair over to me and examined my leg.

After about five minutes of her looking at my leg, she then concluded that I had broken my leg.

Great, just what I need today. I thought to myself.

"I will call an ambulance to come and take you to the hospital to wrap it up and all. Your little boyfriend can sit in the waiting room until they get here." She instructed before calling the police.

This is the best Valentine's Day ever..that was sarcasm.


Boom, cliffhanger. Remember, this is PART ONE, and I may make three parts to the investigation of how Nina ACTUALLY broke her leg, so stay tuned. If I'm lucky, this can go on for the rest of the week. :)

Also, I'm close to 850 reads, but remember, the new goal is 1k. Let's do this, diamonds!


nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now