Chapter 77

12 2 2

October 1, 2014


I go into the kitchen to get some chips and see Joey and Meghan fighting with a bunch of pies for his newest October video.

"You guys look ridiculous!" I laughed as I grabbed a handful and left still laughing. I then went into the living room and hung out with Connor on the couch.

"So, Connor.." I began.

"So, Nina.." He mocked.

"When are you gonna come out?"

He paused for a second. "You just can't rush these things Nina. I'll come out when I comfortable with coming out."

That reminds me, I thought to myself and got up. I went back into the kitchen to see Joey and Meghan cleaning up their big mess.

"So how was your ghost mask guys?" I asked with a giggle.

"It was boo-tiful, but the workers weren't that full of life as we thought they were." Meghan added on and we were still laughing.

I looked at Joey. He was getting whipped cream out of his hair.

"Joey, I've gotta talk to you for a second." I said as I pulled on his hand.

As we walked through the living room and up the stairs, I could hear Connor saying, "Oooooooh, Joey's in troubleeeee."

"Shut up Connor, because you're next." I yelled. He then started chuckling a little bit.

We went up into the room and sat down in the bed.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked as he scooted closer to em and put his arm around me.

"The thing is..remember when Daniel tried to kiss you that day?"


"Well, that made me question your sexuality for a second..because I didn't want that to go into our marriage and you might try and leave me for another guy."

"And your point is...?"

"Joey...what is your sexuality?"

He then sat speechless for a few seconds until we heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Joey yelled immediately. He's gotten his way outta this one.

Suddenly, Connor walks through the door with a weird expression on his face. "Is it my turn now?" He asked in a deep voice, which made both me and Joey laugh.

"Nope, in a minute."

"Also, Meghan wanted to ask you guys what did you want from Panda Express."

"Orange chicken and rice." I asked.

"Just get me scampi noodles." Joey asked for.

"Okaii." He then plopped down on the bed in between me and Joey. "What y'all talking bout over here?"

I giggled. "Nun yo dang ol bidnezz."

"You could've just said no." He then got up and left the room.

"We-we should get up and follow him!" Joey nervously stuttered and ran out the door. Figures.

I quickly started to run down the stairs and sat next to Meghan on the couch, who was currently scrolling through her comments from her last video.

"Are those really good comments so far?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I guess. I was just scrolling and thinking." She responded.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Just something that's been bothering me lately."


"Well..there's this guy I like but I don't want to date him."

"Who is it!? I wanna know!"

Meghan then sighed and shut her laptop. "It's Connor."

My eyes widened. "Connor!? But what about him being gay and all?"

"That's what I'm worried about. He'll never like me back because of this and I'm gonna end up all alone and by myself again!" She then started crying and I put her head on my shoulder.

"It's okay, Meghan. We can get through this together. I know we can."

She then hugged me and whined, "I love you Nina."

"I love you too, Meghan."

A few hours later, we ate dinner and I finally got the chance to be alone with Joey to finish asking him my question.

"Nina, cmon! Stop asking me stuff and let's go downstairs and hang out with our friends!"

"Dude, it's just one question and you didn't answer me earlier when i asked you."

"What was it?"

I took a deep breath. "What is your sexuality?"

He then sat down on the bed and I sat next to him. He then whispered into my ear, "I'm bisexual."

I gasped and whispered back into his ear..

"I am too."


Didn't expect that, did you? Haha🙃

Hope you guys are enjoying my book so far. Trying to speed things up so I can begin writing my next book, which will be a(SPOILER ALERT)...

Janiel FanFiction!

So get ready for that.

I hope you guys all had an awesome Valentine's Day and have a great rest of the week!


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