Chapter 67

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A/N: I thought that Joey moved in with Meghan and David August 26(aka Nina's bday), but I guess I read the date wrong because it says April 10 instead..I feel stupid..

Basically, this chapter is gonna be able Nina and Joey moving in with Meghan and David. Sorry if my dumbness confused you on when they were moving.


July 26, 2014


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up and it was Meghan calling me.

"Hello?" I said in my groggy voice.

"Hey, Nina. I'm not gonna be able to make it back into LA until midnight. Just wanted to let you know so you guys wouldn't be worried about me." It was Meghan. We were moving in with David and Meghan today and she was on a trip to England to visit Lizzie and all the other Brits.

"Oh, don't worry Meghan. We'll be able to have your stuffed moved in from your old apartment by the time you come back. I'll arrange the movers to go over there."

"Thanks, Nina! You're the best!"

"Oh I know."

She giggled a bit. "Well, I've gotta go. See ya at the house."

"Alright bye."


I hung up. I then went into the living room and saw that Sawyer was cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Sawy Sauce." I said and went to sit on the counter. He immediately turned around and smiled at me.

"Hey, Nina Noodles. Last day with me, right?"

"Yeah I guess. I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too."

I looked around the apartment. "Hey, where's Joey?"

"He went to start packing you guy's stuff into the house. He said just bring Bryce over there with your breakfast and you guys can sleep over there or do whatever you want."

"Alright then. Thanks Sawyer." I then gave him a hug from behind. "I love you Sawyer."

He turned around and hugged me again. "I love you too, Nina." He then gave me a kiss on the cheek. I kissed him on the cheek, grabbed my breakfast, and went back into my room. I packed up a bunch of my clothes and Bryce's clothes. By the time I finished, Bryce woke up. I got him out of the bed and told Sawyer to take our stuff to the car.

After Sawyer finished, I put Bryce in his car seat, gave him one last hug, and went to my way to the car.

I finally arrived at the house and saw Joey helping the movers with the last of our stuff. I saw Joey helping a man with brown hair and green eyes into the house with the couch. I got Bryce out of the car and carried him inside. I saw the two as the gently set the couch down in the center of the living room area.

"Joey?" I said as he turned around, startled.

"Nina, you're here early! I didn't expect you here for another hour or two!" Joey exclaimed as he came over to hug me. During the hug, I looked over to the brown haired man. He was standing awkwardly in that area, staring at us as we hugged.

When I released, Joey must've noticed I was looking over at him.

"Oh, Nina, this is my friend Daniel. Daniel, this is my..wife Nina." Joey introduced. I shook his hand with my free arm and he went in for a hug.

"Nice to meet you, Nina. I've been friends with Joey for years. We meet at a party a few years back." Daniel said.

"Oh..well that's pretty cool. Me and Joey just got married last month. This little guy here was born the day right after the wedding."

"Oh well that's awesome. Congrats on your wedding."

Suddenly, his phone rang. Daniel then read the text message and put the phone back in his pocket. "Sorry, Joey. I've gotta go do something else. See you guys later!" He said as he left the house.

"Bye, Danny-boi." Joey called out to him. We both watched as Daniel got into his car and left the house.

After that, I looked over at Joey. "Jojo, why did you hesitate when you were about to call me your wife?" I asked.

" reason actually.." He responded.

"Joey, you know you can tell me anything. Just tell me."

"It just..I'm not used to us calling each other that yet, I guess.."

"Oh..I'm not used to it either. Why was that so nerve-wrecking for you to tell me?"

"I don't know. We always fight about the simplest things. I didn't want that to turn into one of them." I then leaned in to kiss him passionately.

"I love you so much." I said in the kiss.

"Woah, get a room." I heard another voice approach the room. We unattached our lips away and looked over to the voice and saw David in the doorway. I quickly gave Bryce over to Joey and ran over to David and jumped into his arms.

"David! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed as I jumped.

"I missed you two Nina. Can I put you down now? You weigh, like, 300 pounds!" He yelled and put me down.

"No, I on,y weigh 150. 155 if you count my baby weight."

"Whatever. Go upstairs. You looked tired out."

"I did wake up extra early today." I then went back upstairs with Bryce and settled into the bed and put Bryce into the crib that Joey already installed into the room.

Well, this is my life now, I thought to myself. This is where I'm gonna be living for another year. I'm gonna miss seeing Sawyer and Hitch every time I wake up and go to bed. But now I have Meghan and David to do those things. I think they're gonna make pretty good replacements. Let's be honest, nobody can replace Sawyer, no matter how hard you try.

I will miss him the most outta moving away the most.

My thought continue as I fell deeper and deeper asleep.

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