Chapter 61

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July 22, 2014


"Are you sure you don't wanna go to VidCon, Nina? It's gonna be so much fun. You'll love it." Joey asked me from the room where he was packing and I was in the living room, feeding the baby his bottle.

"Joey, I'm sure I can't go. Who's gonna take care of Bryce while we're gone?"

"Jade, Jenny, Alexa ever since she moved down here, anyone you trust!"

"But no one takes care of a baby better than their parents."

"I guess, but you know the fans are gonna be asking about either you, the baby, or our relationship. Who's gonna help me with the questions?"

"I don't know, text me the questions, or even FaceTime me and put me on the big screen so that everyone can see me."

"Great idea. I'm gonna miss you though. And my little Brycie too."

He then came in the living room and gave me a kiss and kissed Bryce on the cheek. After that, Joey finished packing and Bryce fell asleep in my arms. I put him in the crib that Joey and Sawyer put together the night that we took him home.

I then went and watched TV with Joey in the living room. After the show went off, I checked the time. 7:47. "Joey, it getting late. Maybe I should go to bed." I suggested while rubbing my eyes.

"No, Nina! It's not late enough! The night is still young. Please stay up longer with me." He begged while holding my hands while he went on his knees.

"Joey, pregnant women need their sleep."

"But you're not pregnant."

"I used to be, didn't I?"

"I guess. Well, call me if you need anything. Me and Sawyer are gonna watch a movie."

"I'm gonna miss having Sawyer around after we move. He's so helpful."

"Yeah, but we'll still have Meghan and David to help us out."

"Yay! I'm so excited to live with my best YouTube friend and one of my best gay friends."

"Hey! Don't be rude to the gays."

"I'm not trying to be rude. I love David. He's so fun to be around."

"True that though."

I then went into the room and laid down in the bed.

A few hours later, I woke up to Bryce screaming as loud as he could. I got up, picked him up, changed his diaper, made and fed him a bottle, then rocked him back to sleep.

When he went back to sleep, I put him back in his crib and checked the time. 2:34. I laid back in the bed and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Joey woke me up to say by to both him and Sawyer.

"I'll miss you." I told him as he began to carry his bags down to the car. I hugged him as tight as I could with my arms around his neck and his hands on my hips. I kissed his lips gently and we stayed like that for a few moments.

"Ahem." Sawyer motioned which made us break from our kiss.

"I guess I have to go." Joey chuckled. I broke away from our hug and went to hug Sawyer.

"Bye, Saucer. Gonna miss you too." I said as I hugged him. He gave me a kiss on the cheek as a friendly signal.

They then went downstairs and I went into the apartment. I watched them as they got into their car and drove away.

"Well, Brycie. Looks like it's just you and me." I said as I say that I left him laying on a pillow. I picked him up as he began to coo. He was so adorable. I began to play with him a bit more until I hear my phone ring. It was Jade.

"Hello." She said. She sounded a bit worried.

"Hey Jade. What's up?"

"Have you seen the news?"

"No why?"

"It's talking about you. It's saying that Cat attempted to kill you and Bryce." What? Cat never tried to kill me. Threatened me but not killed.

"That's crazy. I'm still alive, and so is Bryce. We're fine, and I don't wanna cause trouble since Joey isn't here.

"Well, do you wanna stay over to my house? So that you'll be safe in case Cat does try something?"

"I guess that's fine. Lemme call Joey and see if it's fine."

"Alright, bye."


I then began to text Joey and see if I can stay over. He said it was fine, so I began to pack a bit until I hear Bryce crying again. It was kinda frustrating to hear a baby crying every two seconds.

Thug life? More like Mother life.

After I was finished, Joey began to call me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey. What's this about Cat trying to kill you? Sawyer just showed me the news thing from today. It's stupid."

"Yeah I know. Jade just told me about it an hour or so ago. I told her Cat did threaten me but not kill me."

"Wait, what?! When did Cat threaten you!?" Crap!

"When me and her went to Starbucks the day before the wedding. She said she wanted you all to herself and wanted me to get out the way. She wanted me to back out the wedding, but I didn't. I married you and was like a boss doing it."

He laughed. "I'm glad you're still okay, and that you're going to Jade's for the weekend. You two be safe, okay?"

"Alright, Joseph. We'll try."

"Love you, Naomi. Bye."

"Bye." I then finished packing. I put Bryce in the crib and started taking the bags down to the car. Afterwards, I got Bryce, went back down to the car, put him in the seat, and began to drive to Jade's house.

When we got there, I got Bryce out the car and went to knock on the door. She opened it immediately and went to hug me.

"Hey, Nina." When she saw Bryce, she gasped and went into her cute baby mode. "Is this Brycie!? AWWWWWWW, HES SO CUTE!! He sure does have Joey's eyes! HE IS SO PRECIOUS!! Just seeing him makes me want a baby. HE IS SO ADORABLE!!"

"Yeah I guess. Let's go inside so I can get the bags really quick."

"Alright." She took Bryce out of my arms while I went to get the bags.

Let's hope Cat doesn't find me here.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now