Chapter 54

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The next morning, I woke up and everyone was gone. Alexa's friends, Grandma Fury, and Armani went back to their hotel room and all the others left. They even took Alexa with them. I smelt something unpleasant and began to look for what it was.

When I finally found out, I was in tears...

I lifted up her blanket and found Sniffles dead on the bedroom floor. I was crying so much and crawled up in a ball on the floor. Joey heard my cries and came running into the bedroom.

"What happened?" Joey asked. I pointed towards her remains and he gasped and I saw a tear drop down his cheek. He then lifted me up and held me in his arms as my head was onto his chest, still crying and screaming for her to come back.

A few hours after, we called everyone from the party and told them to come back over and wear all black. We went to the back of the apartment complex and made a hole big enough for our shoebox that we put Sniffles in.

Everyone was there and we had a mini funeral for my dear cat. We all had to say a few words about her, whether good or bad. Since I've known her the longest, we decided I'd go last.

First up was Joey. "Sniffles, I've always loved you. Whether you played around with my shoes, whether you came around me and purred in my lap, scratched up my leg, made both me and Nina laugh. Just know that no matter what, we will always love you up in cat heaven."

Next was Sawyer. "I don't know what to say either than I loved you Sniffles. You were a friendly cat. You always knew what to do when someone needed a laugh, whether someone needed to cry, or when we were just laughing at you. You were an awesome cat, and we all knew thy well."

Then everyone else said a few sentences, then came Grandma Fury's turn to talk. "Mis queridas mascotas y amigo Sniffles. Usted no era sólo un gato , sino también el mejor amigo que mi nieta necesario cuando en su estado de depresión. Recuerdo cuando nina primera que consiguió del centro de adopción de mascotas, que usted era la cosa más pequeña que llamar en nuestras vidas. que nos hizo reír , llorar , enfermo , eufórico , pero sobre todo , que nos hizo unirnos como una familia aún más. Adiós, mi pequeño femine favorito en el mundo entero." She spoke.

The only ones that spoke Spanish were the ones who were crying the most at Grandma's words. The others were like, "What the heck was this lady saying??"

Next, it was Armani. "Sniffles, the most delightful names for a great feline like you. You made us all think, become braver, and encouraged us to keep going on with our lives. For example, Nina and Joey. You helped them to be able to become a couple and you identified Joey as a good, not even good, PERFECT guy for Nina to date. And look at how good of a matchmaker you are. These two are now engaged for two months and are having a baby together. Miss you, my favorite little matchmaker."

Next was Alexa. "Even though I have amnesia from the last time I've seen you before my visit doesn't explain that I don't remember you. I know that you were a good cat and that you were amazing at bringing our family closer to each other. But our real question about your death is: Have we learned from you being alive? Have we shown love and care for you since your life began? Have we loved, cherish, and celebrated your life since your life was continuing? The answer to all those questions are yes. Can we grow from this experience? Yes, we can. You have taught us well, kitty cat. But we will take the lesson up to a new level of tradition."

Last but not least, it was my turn. "Sniffles, I just wanna say thank you. Thank you for choosing me to become your owner. Thank you for keeping in your life and being there for me through thick and thin. Thank you for spending long days and nights with me while I was there doing my work for school. Thank you for always becoming hungry so that I could go out and buy you some yogurt from Whole Foods. If you weren't alive from that time around with me, I would've never met my wonderful boyfriend and husband-to-be, Joseph Michael Graceffa. I will always cherish our memories together, and keep your life as close to me as possible. Thank you for everything you have given me throughout your lifetime. Never forget about me." I started to cry even more and everyone came around and gave me hugs. After everyone was done speaking of Sniffles, Sawyer and Joey buried her in the ground and patted her down to make sure that she wouldn't move.

"Never forget." I whispered as the shoebox disappeared into the dirt.


Author's Note:

Why is everyone dying in this book?! I am the sickest person alive for doing this!? 😈😈😈 But hey, let's just be glad that Alexa's alive after all this time!

Thank you guys for still being with me as I get everything sorted with my book and my non-ability to write at some points.

So, the next chapter will talk about Nina finally graduating from her college and getting her Masters in Art!! This is going to be the most exciting chapter in the entire book. But lest just say, Nina Dan Joey broke up again. I'm sorry! I have to do it for the drama!

There may/may not be an explanation why but they did, but the engagement is still on. Meghan started it, thats all I'm gonna say.

Alright guys, I'm gonna get back to writing the next chapter. See you soon!

Peeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaccccccccceeeeee(haven't seen that in a while, have you?)


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