Chapter 55: Part 1

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May 20, 2015


Today was the big day. Today was the day that I finally graduate from the University of California for my Masters degree in Arts. I was so excited to finally be one with the world of overachievers and be able to finally become a real artist.

I woke up the next morning in my own apartment next to my computer and phone, both on their chargers. There are two reasons I am at my own house.

1. Our entire apartment building is being fumigated this week so everyone had to evacuate the building for the rest of the week or two.

2. Me and Joey are in a fight again.

He got mad at me because he doesn't trust me with his secret that he keeps talking to Sawyer about but won't even tell his own soon-to-be wife about. So I told him until he can trust me, it's not fit for us to live together.

Anyways, when I got up, I checked the time. 10:13. I had to pick up my gown around 11, and the actual graduation ceremony was at 4. I decided I should get dressed and pick it up really quickly. I put on a white crop top hoodie with a pair of black skinny jeans and black Converse. I grabbed my keys, phone, and gown pick up slip and was off to the school.

When I got to the school, I could already see that there was a long line of people also getting their gowns, and it wasn't moving fast. In the line, I also saw Jenny and Jade, but very far away from each other in the line with Jenny more ahead than Jade. They both saw me pull up and were motioning me to stand with them in line. I texted Jade and told her after I get my gown I would join her.

I got out of my car and made sure to grab my ticket. I grabbed it and walked over to where Jenny was and gave her a hug.

"Hey stranger, haven't seen you since the funeral." She said as she released me from the hug.

"I guess it has been a long time. Still ain't talking to Jade, are you?" I asked her while looking to the near back of the line at Jade.

"Nope, but her and Kaden are still together. She just won't talk to me at all. I've said sorry over a thousand times, but she won't budge."

"You ever tried getting her some Skittles or some kinda candy she likes? You know she likes food?"

"Yeah I have, three times."

"Well, I'm outta ideas. But, she's having a party tonight at eight about her graduation at Kaden's house. Maybe you could sneak over there."

"Well, I guess it's worth a shot. Thanks, Nina."

"No prob."

After a few more minutes of talking and chatting in line, we finally got to the front of the line. Jenny got her gown first then I got mine. After I got my gown, I went back to where Jade was and tried to talk to her while Jenny was leaving to prepare for tonight.

"Hey, Jade." I said as I approached her.

"Hey, Nina. What's up?" She said as she gave me a mini hug.

"Not much, just getting my gown for tonight. Aren't you excited?"

"Of course! The party tonight is gonna be SICK! I'm so excited, and so is Kaden. For the past few weeks, he's been trying to get in my pants, and I think I'm gonna let him."

"Hey, you don't say that around a pregnant woman, Jade!" We then laughed.

"Looks like Joey already did that to you.."

"Ju-Just hush right now! You don't have any right to say that to me!"


"Well, I've gotta go freshen up for tonight. I'll text you." I said as I walked to my car.

"Alright, bye Nin."


As I drove home I got a text from someone, but at first didn't check it. When I came to a stop light, I saw the text was from Meghan.

Meghansan 🍓(2min ago):

Nina, I have to tell you something after your graduation. If you really get mad, please forgive me and just know that I will be there for you no matter what and I'm really sorry.

What was she talking about? What did she do? It can't be that bad, she's my best YouTube friend.

I then got home and checked the time. 1:46. I need to start getting ready.

I then went to shower and got dressed into a simple white shirt with black jeans and my white Converse. I steamed my gown so that when i put it on, it would be fresh and ironed.

When I got finished, I checked the time again. 2:14. I touched my face and noticed my mascara was running. I also felt my hair and it was Afro-like. I then went into my bathroom and redid my makeup and hair. By the time I was finished, it was exactly 3:00. I told myself that I think i should get going. I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallets really quickly, put on my gown and cap and was out the door and into my car.

When I got to the school, I checked the time. 3:17. I went inside the school and took the seat that read "Naomi Fury-Graceffa". I liked how they included my soon to be name in there too. They know how to make a pregnant lady feel special. I looked around me and started talking to a few of my classmates when I saw people in the bleachers. I saw Joey, Shane, Lisa, Meghan, David, Kalel, Anthony, Ian, Armani, Alexa, and Grandma Fury all cheering for me. Joey and Meghan all looked at bit tense and nervous. I wondered what was wrong.

All of a sudden, the lights dimmed down and the ceremony began. The principal came up on stage and talked for a few minutes, then the class president, then student council. Then, they started calling names. They started in ABC order and asked everyone to get into a line on the side of the stage. When they got to Es, Joey then started coming down the bleachers towards me. He came over to me with dried tears on his cheeks.

"Nina, I have something to tell you and you have every right to be mad at me."

"Joey, not the time. Tell me later or after I get my diploma."

"I thought me and Meghan could wait after the ceremony, but the guilt is killing me."

"Joey not now."

"But it's important."

The principal then started to call out the Fs.

"You have 30 seconds."

"Okay, but I know that if I tell you, promise not to be mad at me. Please?"

"Okay. Twenty seconds."


"You what Joey?"

The principal then called my name.

"I slept with Meghan..."

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon