Chapter 73

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"Wh-what?" Meghan asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I know. After I have my baby, I might need to go into surgery, but there's a fair chance that I may damage it."

A tear then rolled down her face. She gave me a hug. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this Nina. I feel so bad that this is your own child going through this. And you're my best friend and I'm supposed to protect you from things like this."

"It's okay Meghan, at least I'm not going through this alone."

"Yeah, you have me, and Connor, and David, and Alexa, and Joey.." I stopped her there.

"Joey doesn't know about it yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want him to know and break his heart."

Suddenly the door flew open. "Too little to late for that!" It was Joey. I immediately stood up from my seat.

"Joey! You're here!"

"Yeah I am, and why didn't you tell me that this was happening!?"

"I'll just leave you two alone." Meghan said as she walked out the door and ran downstairs. That flaker.

Joey then turned back to me. "Nina, why? Why didn't you tell me that this happened? You know that we can go through everything together!"

"Yeah I know, but we've been talking about adopting another kid for a while now. And now that we don't have to makes the situation even better but.." I started crying. "I didn't want us to fight. We argue about the littlest things nowadays, and I didn't want this to be another one of them. I mean, look at us right now, Joseph. We're arguing about something as little as a secret I haven't even known for, like, an hour or two."

"Yeah, I know. But the thing is I never wanted to be like me when I grew up, okay?! Is that what you wanted me to say!? Well, I've said it, and there's no going back now!" He then stormed out the room and slapped the door behind him.

I started sobbing on the bed. Sometimes I can't deal with him. One minute he's making me feel link I'm the most important girl in the world, and the next he's making feel like I belong in the dumpster.

Almost every boyfriend I've had made me feel like that, and I'm not about to let that happen with my husband.

About an hour later, I was on my phone, going through my Twitter feed when Joey came into the room and shut the door behind him.


"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. It's just that..before my little brother came along, my mom had tried to get pregnant, but had a bunch of miscarriages until Jett was finally born. After about a year, we noticed he wasn't developing the way he should've been, communication wise at least. Everybody thought he was fine until he turned two. He came down with autism." Joey explained while trying to back down the tears that were about to come out his eyes. I patted him on the back.

"Don't worry, Joey. Just let it out." He then started sobbing loudly. Ive never seen him cry like this before. It made me start to cry a bit.

{Now start reading again. :)}

After that we went to bed and it really made me think about everything. My baby might have a chance of becoming autistic. Even if she will become different from the rest, I will still love her unconditionally and nothing in the world could ever change how I will ever feel about my new little bundle of joy.

The Next Morning..

The next morning I woke up to Bryce crying in his crib. I got him up, fed him, then took him into the living room. We played with Chewie for a while until David came downstairs.

"Morning, Nina." He stretched as he went into the kitchen and made himself breakfast. Finally, Joey came down a few minutes later. He came over and kissed both me and Bryce on the cheek. As we ate breakfast, we all snuggled up onto the couch together and watched a Nick movie like a big happy family should.

Or, a not-at-all happy family should.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant