Chapter 72

14 0 2

August 23, 2014


Today is starting out to be terrible. The new baby is making me very irritated because I've thrown up so many times it feels like I'm up to my yesterday's breakfast. It's been waking me up every morning earlier than I usually do.

Today I woke up at 4:08. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just got up and watched Netflix until Joey finally got up. Today we were going to figure out the gender of our baby, that's why I probably can't go back to sleep.

Around 7:00, I heard Bryce crying, so I went up to the room and got him out the room before he woke Joey up. I fed him a bit of breakfast before Meghan came downstairs.

"Morning, Nina." She stretched once into the dining room to give me a hug.

"Morning Meghan. Guess what today is?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I thought it was Saturday." She then went into the kitchen to get two granola bars.

"It is Saturday, but it is also the day that I figure out what the new baby is."

"Oh my god! When you find out, text me immediately."

"Don't worry, I will." A few minutes later, Joey finally got his lazy butt outta bed.

"Good morning, beautiful." Joey said before he picked me up and kissed me.

"Good morning Joey." I said after that. "Guess what today is?"

"I thought it was Saturday.."

"I know it is, stoopid(yeah, brought that back). It's also the day we find out the gender of our little baby. And I know exactly we're gonna name him or her."

"What is it?" I then whispered the names in his ear. "Those are cool."

I then went back upstairs and started to get changed. I got into a indigo shirt with dark jeans and brown boots. Joey wore one of his merch shirts, light jeans, and white sneakers. We were then on our way to the doctor's office.

We were arrived I immediately signed in and sat next to Joey, holding his hand tight while laying my head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Nina. We'll get through this..together." Joey said looking me in the eye and kissing me on the forehead.

He made me smile. He always knows what to say when I needed cheering up. He knows how to put butterflies in my stomach.

"Naomi Fury?" The nurse called from the hallway in the back. I slowly started to get up and let go of Joey's hand. I started to follow the nurse until I turned around and Joey was mouthing the words, "I love you." I mouthed them back to him and went to the checkup room.

The nurse sat me down on the bed and started to check my ears, mouth, and eyes. After that she took me to the ultrasound room and put the paste all over my stomach. They waited a few minutes to check that everything was fine before they told me the gender.

"Alright, we have finally figured out the gender of your child. We also have some good news and bad news."

I started to get really nervous. "Can I hear the good news first?"

"Oh, of course. The good news is that you're having a girl." I got relieved. I'm glad I at least get to have a little baby girl around the house playing with dolls and asking me to do her hair so neat when she goes to school instead of can we watch football or probably breaking a valuable with a basketball or something.

"The bad news it with your uterus. It's abdominal, which means that it's really small. The baby may or may not make it the full nine months." Suddenly my heart sank. That almost broke my heart that my baby may not make it the full time it's supposed to. Me and Joey's heart can't take that.

"How can I fix it so that its normal?" I asked nervously.

"It takes surgery, but fixing it will take lots of risks. If we do try to fix it, we might damage it completely and cause less fertility. I'm truly sorry."

"It-It-It's okay."

"Would you like a picture of the ultrasound?"

"Y-Yeah, sure." I responded, still in shock.

She then gave me a few pictures of the baby and left me back to Joey. We got into the car and had a silent ride back home. I didn't have the heart to break the news to Joey.

Once we got home, Meghan, David, and Connor(who hung out at our new place often now) looked at me in suspense. They obviously knew from Meghan that I was finding out what the gender of the baby.

"Well?!" Meghan finally asked, very impatient.

I sighed. "It's a girl." Everyone then started jumping and cheering. I went upstairs into the room and soothed my sorrows with music.

A few minutes later, Meghan came into my room. She asked me to come down and celebrate with them until she saw the tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong Nina?" She asked me and sat next to me in my bed.

"It's the thing about me being pregnant this time around..I think that I have an abdominal uterus. It means that the baby may not make it the full nine months, and if I carry it, I may have a risk of having a miscarriage." I started crying even more.

The entire time, I looked over at her reaction. She looked shocked.


I'm sorry, guys. I just had to make it dramatic! 😢😢😢

Also, I'll give you a hint on the baby's name by the initials: NAMG .

If only Joey's last name started with an E, they would've spelled NAME. 😂😂😂(just now realizing that..)


Ps. Didn't really do anything on my birthday, just basically sat around and read/wrote on here. No big deal..I'm not just crying on the inside..😭😭😭

😜 jk

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