Chapter 51

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After we took her to the hospital, I hardly remember anything. It was too painful to watch and believe what happen.

I was trying to look through my tears, but it was so blurry and watery that I couldn't see at all. In the hospital, all I could see were groups of doctors going in and out her hospital room. That tells me that something is going wrong.

The thought of my sister dying again after I just found out that she wasn't dead was like a bullet to the heart.

After about an hour of crying and comfort from Joey, the doctors calls us back and give us an update on how Alex was doing.

"Okay, Naomi and Joseph. We have an update for you guys about how Alex is doing." The doctor started. Joey then reached for my hand, and I squeezed his as hard as I could. "I have three things to say, two good, one bad. The first good thing is that we analyzed her DNA and it leads back to your mother, which means that this is Alexandria Fury. We asked her a few questions about how she thought her name was Alex and how she ended up alive. She could hardly talk, but we made out a few things that she said." He then handed us a piece of paper.

The paper said: I was in the hospital and had to get surgery to get a bullet out of my stomach. They told me I had amnesia and wouldn't tell me anything about myself. After surgery, they let me stay for the night then the next morning took me home. I saw a word on my wall that said 'Alex' and assumed that was my name.

"The next good news is that she is alright, and that she did overdose on some pills. We have police investigating her car at the moment. The bad news is that we haven't drained all the pills containment out of her system, and if is has reached where she has surgery, she may not make it. We will do that overnight and be back with you tomorrow." The doctor continued.

"Oh my god. Can I be able to speak with her now?" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"You can, just be subtle with her so that you don't damage her brain even more than it already is." After the talk with the doctor, we rushed into her hospital room. We saw her in the bed with wires and cords attached to her stomach, back, and arms.

"Hey, Alex. How you feeling?" Joey asked while taking the seat to her left. I then make him scoot over in the chair and sit right next to him.

"I'm fine. I wanna go home." She mumbled so that we could hardly understand.

"You'll go home soon. You'll go home tomorrow. Then you will be safe to go back to Canada." I explained.

"I never wanted to go to Canada." I then looked at her with a confused look.

"What do you mean? You told me that you were on your way to Canada to talk to the spirit."

"They checked my text messages in my phone. They said I never wanted to go to Canada, but someone in my family said my sister lived in Los Angeles and told me to go look for her."

" actually wanted to come to see me?" A tear dropped down my face.

"Yes." My smile grew bigger and bigger. She said her sister was dead, but she knew I wasn't. She knew where I lived, and she knew that her car broke down for some reason, and that was because faith brought us together no matter what.

I bet mom and dad were up to this. But thank you, you old goobers. I thought to myself.

Suddenly, she started to move back and forth on her bed, going faster and faster with every movement.

"Doctor! Doctor! Anyone, help! She having a seizure!" I screamed. The doctors rushed into the room and started to operate. The doctor had told us to go home and be safe. We could be able to see her again tomorrow.

As soon as we got into the car, I cried. I cried, and cried, and cried. The thought was just too sad. I cried on the way home and cried as soon as we got into the apartment. I laid on the couch and kept crying and Joey sat beside me, rubbing my back.

"Nina, don't worry. It's gonna be okay." Joey kept saying over and over again. I finally blew.

"No it not gonna be okay! My sister is out there, almost dead because of overdosing. I know who she was hanging around with: Armani's parents. They never liked our family and they tried to kill Alexa again! It's not gonna be okay because she, at this point, is always meant to be dead! I'm not meant to have a sister right now, our baby isn't meant to have an auntie, and I'm not meant to have any immediate family left in my life no matter what! I'm never gonna see my sister okay again, and right now, I'm okay with that." I then run into the room and lock the door behind me. I lay on the bed and start to go deep into my thoughts.

About half an hour later, Joey finally comes into the room and snuggles up next to me.

"Leave me alone, Joey." I sniffled.

"Never, Nina. I love you too much to ever leave you alone, especially when you're in deep pain." Joey whispered and pecked on my lips. Then, he wrapped his arms around my stomach and put his head on my shoulder.

We then sat there, almost motionless. We didn't want to spoil this moment. Soon, i was almost asleep, but I managed to keep myself awake. I look over at Joey..he fell asleep. I laughed at him and looked down at my baby.

We will make great parents in June. I thought in my head as I went to sleep, dreaming about our one big happy family.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant