Chapter 39

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December 31, 2013 11:05


"Joey!" I yelled in from the kitchen.

"What?" He called back.

It was finally New Years Eve. Officially me and Joey's first New Years Eve ever while we are dating. Joey was in the room, getting my laptop to be able to be on Skype with Armani as we watched the time fly by until 2014 finally came. I was in the kitchen, baking me, Joey, Sawyer, and Jenny a cake to celebrate the new year.

"I want you to get my special earbuds too. You know, the gold ones with the black strap on it."

"I was gonna get them, anyways."

"Suuuuuure you were."

"Whatever, Naomi Renee."

"Why do you always do this, Joseph Michael?"

"Because I love saying your real name."

"Well, I don't. That's why everyone calls me Nina."

"And why everyone calls me Joey."

"And stoopid."

"Oh..Yea, you're the only one who calls me that."


After about five minutes, Joey finally found the computer and earbuds and I finally put the cake in the oven.

"Okay, hurry up before Armani gets off Skype." I yelled as Joey went onto Skype on the Mac and I jumped on the couch next to him.

Soon, we called up Armani's Skype and when her video came up, we had a surprise in store for us.

"Hi, Nina!" My whole family said through the camera.

"Omg! Hi everyone! I was just expecting Mani to come up. Where is she?" I gasped surprisingly.

I then saw her squeezing in through the entire crowd and coming through the front of the family and sitting down.

"Surprise!" She screamed. "I know how much you miss us and that you couldn't come down to spend New Years with us, so I hooked up to Abuela's wifi and finally got my Skype to work."

"Aww, guys. I miss you guys so much!"

"Te amo tanto , Nina y no puedo esperar hasta que vuelvas a Montana de nuevo." My grandmother spoke.

"Yo también te echo de menos, la abuela de la furia , y espero que todos ustedes tienen un muy feliz año nuevo." I spoke back. (Author here, if you can translate what both of what they said, you can get a shoutout in the next chapter of my book! :)

"Well, Nina. I've gotta go back to watching the Parade in New York. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright, bye everyone!"

"Bye, Nina. Bye Joey!" The family said before I hung up the call and closed my laptop.

"Wow, you can speak Spanish." Joey exclaimed, amazingly.

I giggled, "Sí, Yo hablo español . y yo también te puedo decir en español que voy a amarte incondicionalmente."

"That's beautiful. What does it mean?"

"Yes, I speak Spanish. And I can tell you in Spanish that I will love you unconditionally."

"Aww, how do you say 'I love you' in Spanish?"

"Te amo."

"Well, te amo, Nina."

"Te amo, Joey."

We then kissed and it felt like sparks were flying all around the room.

"Wait, we have to kiss at midnight!" I realized.

"Okay then, I've waited for you all my life, I can wait for you even longer."

He suddenly holds me close and sways our bodies back and forth as we hugged and I felt like I was save only in his arms.

Suddenly, I heard the oven go off. "The cake's ready!" I said while running to the oven and getting my oven mittens and opening the oven. I then take out the cake and put it on the top of the oven.

"You wanna help me decorate the cake?" I asked Joey while I put the cake under a wash cloth that was up there while I was baking it.

"Sure, but I'm not a good baker." Joey criticized.

"Don't be silly, I'm not that good either, but we can still do this. Together." I then got frosting on my finger and touched Joey's nose.

"Alright, then. Let's do this!"

It took us about twenty minutes to finally decorate the cake, with getting a bit messy with the frosting. But let's just say that there was frosting and sprinkles all in our hair, faces, and clothes after we were finished.

"Oh my god, we got more frosting on us than the cake does. But at least it's finished." Joey laughed.

"So true!" I giggled.

I looked at the TV. It was 11:58.

"Well, let's grab some cake and get this new year started!"

We then cut the cake and each got a piece. I jumped onto the couch and Joey jumped right into my lap and we started to eat our cake.
The last twenty seconds of 2013 were the best few moments of our lives.

We then shared a piece of cake with lots of frosting on it and as the last ten seconds came, Joey took my left cheek with his right hand and I held his neck with my left hand.

"3....2.....1.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!" The TV said as me and Joey passionately kissed and it was magical because you could really feel the spark, and not just the fireworks on the TV either. But real magic. And that's what I always felt like when I was with Joey.

"Happy New Year, Nina." Joey whispered to me at the end of our kiss.

"Feliz año nuevo, Joey."

We then kissed again and hugged and then I knew that Nioey was always meant to be, no matter what.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant