Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to a phone call from Millie.

"Hey Mi-" I started, but was again interrupted by her voice again.

"Hello Naomi. You are needed back at work right now because Darlin had to cancel because of her sick husband again. If you aren't on time today, we are docking your pay by $50. Okay, do we understand each other? Good, ok. Goodbye." Millie said while I was feeling like tearing my hair out.

I then got dressed and was on my way to work. I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I just went to McDonald's and bought me a hash brow and a fruit parfait. When I got to work, I went to check in for my shift and got straight to work. When I arrived outside of the employees room, I was stopped by Millie and her evil acts of injustice.

"Hello again, Naomi. Happy to see you're finally at work on time. Ok, so today you need to clear the Mystery shelves of all of the books that started selling in November 2014. Then, you need to help out Starbucks by cleaning off their tables. I want them to be so clean that I can see my face. Next, you need to check on the booklist to make sure that Fifty Shades of Grey and Dork Diaries have been ordered. Then, you need to check on the cable on the TV in Starbucks to make sure nothing is disconnected, it hasn't been working for weeks. After that, you have to check counter number six to make sure that the handle is still working. You know how it likes to get stuck. Then you need to work the counter for a few hours. Then you are done, and all you need to do is lock up." she explained all I have to do today.

After a long day—and I mean a LONG day—of work, I finally got to go home around 8 o'clock. So, basically I just worked 12 hours. I then got home and fed Sniffles her dinner. I then went on my bed and watched TV for a while. I then got a text message from Joey asking if he could come over. I wasn't doing anything, so I guess it was fine. He was then over in less than 20 minutes, so it didn't take him long to come over.

When he finally came over, I asked him what he wanted to do. He asked if we could watch a movie, so I popped some popcorn and we watched Finding Nemo. Halfway through the movie, Joey put his arm around me, and from their I snuggled in next to him. By the time Marvin and Dorie made it to Sydney, we were both asleep.

The next day, I woke up to still being in Joey's arms. I enjoyed it by snuggling closer and closer till I was so close to him that I could literally get on top of him. I then whispered in his ear, "I love you." but I was sure he didn't hear me because he stayed asleep. I then fell back asleep in his arms, but was awoken again by his phone ringing.

"Hello?" Joey answered to his phone in his sleepy voice.

"Hey, Connor...What?...Sure I would love to go on a hike with you!...Okay, bye."

He then hung up his phone and got up.

"Hey, I've gotta go over to connor's today. You wanna tag along or get some breakfast with us or something?"

"I'll tag along with you and Connor. But please don't put me in your vlog. I don't like being on video."

"Okay then. Let's go."

I then put on a workout outfit and then got ready to go on the hike. We met Connor at the gate where the entire hiking started, but he was there before we were.

"Hi, Joey and...uhm," Connor acknowledged us and stopped when he saw me.

"Nina, her name in Nina." Joey corrected Connor before he had to whisper something that would make this whole situation awkward.

The mountain ranger then opened the gate for us and we started going up the hill.

"Hey, Joey. Let's take the secret path." Connor referred to the opening through the trees and bushes.

"The secret path you say..." Joey said in one of his silly voices. "I like this one instead."

"This is really safer, Connor." I said in my most mature voice and the showing of how serious I was in my eyes.

"You're right Nina. Let's take this one!" Connor said while running ahead of us with his hands in the air shaking about.

"Hey!" me and Joey yelled at the same time. "Get back here!"

We then ran along with Connor and had the best time. We slid through sprinklers and got a bit soaked. It was the best time of my life. Well, third best time of my life.

It's like, nowadays all of my best times are with Joey. 

Is that supposed to happen?

Does this mean we were meant to have a good time?

Does that mean that Joey and I are always meant to be friends?

Someone, please tell me what this means. I love Joey, but I love our friendship more. We have been friends for only three days now, but I already think that we are meant to be. I love him, and I wouldn't let him go for anything in the world.

When I got home, I fed Sniffles her lunch and got on the phone and called my other best friend Jade.

"Hello?" Jade answered the phone.

"Hey, Jade. You will not believe what has happened in the last three days!"

"What, you got pregnant?! I'm gonna tell your parents! No, boo boo, this ain't about to fly!"

"No, Jade. I'm not pregnant. But something even better..."

"Wait, hold up! Getting pregnant is a good thing?!"

"It really depends on the baby daddy. Wait-why am I talking about this? Well, uhm... I've been hanging out with Joey Graceffa!"

"Omg, yassss boo!"

"I know right!"

"So, how did you guys meet?"

"When I went to Whole Foods to get Sniffles some baby food, I went also to the frozen fruit aisle to get me some stuff for a fruit smoothie. Then I see Sawyer Hartman and Joey standing over there just three refrigerators away from me. We swapped phone numbers, Joey text me and we talked for hours. We hung out with Shane the next day after that, we had dinner together. Yesterday, he came over to watch some movies but we both fell asleep. Then today, we hung out with Connor and went hiking. I loved it."

"So, you did all of this without me?!"

"Yea, because you still had to deal with Marshmallows."

"I don't give a f***. I want to meet Joey Graceffa!"

We then talked for about an hour or two then I felt like taking a nap, so I told her we can hang out probably on Tuesday, she said that was fine, and then we hung up.

Me, Gwen, and Jade have been best friends since the 3rd grade. We have been with each other through thick and thin, and we all loved each other and won't stop till the dawn of time.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now