Chapter 70

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"Hey, Jenny." I said as I walked into her house. She immediately came up to me and hugged me. As I released, I noticed that her mascara was running down her face.

"Hey, Nina. I'm so glad you're here." She said in her tears.

"Woah, what wrong?" I asked as we walked over to her couch and we sat down.

"This is incredibly unexpected. I don't even know how this happened. I-I just don't know what to do." She kept speaking very rapidly.

"Woah, woah. Slow down, bestie. What's wrong?" She then pointed to the pregnancy test on her coffee table. It read positive. "Oh my god, Jenny. That's so awesome! You're pregnant!?"

"I guess I am. But what do I tell Sawyer? He might not like me anymore. He might want to break up. He might not love me anymore."

"Jen, you're overreacting. He might still love you. Also, Sawyer used to always talk about how he wanted to have a kid, so this works out perfectly."

"What if-"

"What if nothing, Jen. Sawyer and you are going to have this baby and he is going to like it. Did you tell him yet?"

"He's coming over and is on his way right now." Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Oh my god, he's here. Go hide in the kitchen!" I then went into her kitchen and hid behind the refrigerator.

"Hey Sawyer." I heard her say in the kitchen.

"Hey babe." He said as he kissed her. They then sat on the couch and started to talk.

"Listen, I've gotta tell you something."

"I'm all ears." She then handed him the pregnancy test. "You're kidding me, right?"

"No, it's real."

He then started smiling. "I can't believe this. I'm having a baby to the prettiest girl I know." They then shared another passionate, long kiss.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring with my new ringtone, Oath by Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G(Niya loves Cher.)

"I know that ringtone anywhere..Nina where are you?" Sawyer said while getting off the couch.

"Over here." I waved my hand from the side of the fridge. He then came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Now, why are you here?"

"Giving Jenny the confidence to tell you about her."

"Well, looks like we're both gonna be parents after all."

"I guess. I've gotta go, Joey just called me and I don't know why." I then gave them both one last hug and went back into my car and called Joey back.

"Hello?" I said when the phone stopped ringing.

"Hey, Nina. We've got a bit of a problem.."

"Why, what going on?"

"Well, after I finished feeding Bryce, I wanted to give him a bottle. But now, he's not letting me feed him the bottle. He's crying like crazy. Can you please come home?"

"Don't worry, I'm on my way." I then drove back to the house and took care of the Bryce. A few hours after that, I picked my sister up from the airport and we came back to our house.

Once we got inside, I began to show her around.

"Woah, this place is so much bigger than the old apartment." She said in amazement.

"Yeah, I know. But I kinda do miss Sawyer being around all the time." I agreed.

"I guess." I then showed her to her room and left her to unpack for the night. I then went up to Joey, who was gamin with Stacy. I gave him a little peck on the cheek and told Stacy hi.

"Hey, Stacy!" I said into Joey's microphone.

"Hey Nina." She said very sternly. I then went back to changing Bryce's diaper and left Joey to himself. For a little while longer, I hung out with Alexa and catch up on things. After a little while longer, everyone else started to get hungry, so we set Meghan off to get Chinese food for everyone.

When we got our food, we all got tired and went to sleep with me accidentally sleeping in Alexa's bed with her. She didn't mind, she owes me a few of those from when we were little.

Just like old times.


Who else ships Rlexa ?

Who else thinks I should make David and Connor date? I don't think I'll do that but I'm thinking about it.

Lastly, who's ready for the Jawyer baby? I know I am!


nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now