Chapter 71

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The next day, I woke up to Alexa and Joey making breakfast together.

"Well, isn't it nice to see my second and third favorite people getting along?" I said when I came into the kitchen. I then gave Joey a gentle kiss and Alexa a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Well, nobody else was up and we were hungry, so we decided to work together and make breakfast." Alexa explained.

"I'll take whatever I can get." All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door, and I went to go answer it. It was Jenny.

"Hey, Jenny. What's up?" I saw she had a pregnancy test in her hand. This is exactly what I needed.

"You told me to bring this over. Can I come inside?" She said holding it by her thigh so Joey wouldn't see it.

"Yeah, cmon ahead." I then rushed her upstairs and took the test from her. I quickly went into the bathroom and waited for the results to come in. When they did, I immediately pulled Jenny into the bathroom with me.

"I don't wanna check it. Can you do it for me?" I asked her as I started to sweat.


She then took the test carefully and looked at the bar. Her eyes widened really big, then I knew.

She then turned it around and showed me. Positive.

"No! No, no, no, no! I cannot be pregnant again! I can hardly even get a break with Bryce, let alone ANOTHER kid!"

She kept shushing me and saying everything was going be fine. But I knew it wasn't.

The thing that was really going through my head was about Joey. What was I gonna tell him? He always was a good father, but I don't think he would appreciate another kid in his life. He does love kids, but I can't hurt him enough to push all this responsibility on his as a father.

"Nina, don't worry so much."

"Easy for you to say. You only have ONE kid, not TWO."

She paused for a second.

"Wait! You're having TWINS!?"

"Surprise..hehe" I hugged her. I was happy that she was gonna have two children to love and care for instead of one. I always thought she'd grow up to become a great mother–so loving, careful, and trusting–but now my assumption is about to become reality.

"Thanks for calming me down, Jenny. Now I just have to tell Joey about my newly found pregnancy." I smiled and we both left the bathroom and went back into the living room. I hid the test behind my back so he wouldn't see it. Jenny was recording it on her phone so that we could upload it to my channel later on.

I went up to Joey, who was eating his breakfast at the dining room table. 

"Hi Joey." I said to him in a slight nervous voice. I saw he was editing a vlog from the day before to go onto his main channel.

"Hey, Nina." He got up and kissed me on the cheek. It made me all good inside when his lips touched me. He noticed that I had something behind my back. "What's that?"

"Something important I think you should really see.." I pulled it from behind as he took the test into his hands. He looked at it for a few seconds with a frown until a slight smile appeared onto his face.

"I'm gonna be another  father!?" He said with excitement. I then nodded my face with relieve that he was happy about having another baby. 

Joey suddenly picked me up and twirled me around the room while kissing my lips ever so slightly. I'm so exited to have another child to the most beautiful man on the planet.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to get this pregnancy thing outta the way so I can write more interesting stuff..and this has been a draft for over two weeks so..

Also, don't wanna say anything, but this kid may/may not be a girl this time.. ;)


Ps. I may start doing these little reminders at the end of every chapter just to be extra and stop saying author's note cause it's getting kinda frustrating.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now