Chapter 42

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February 12, 2014


"Nina, guess what?" Joey runs into the room while I'm catching up on some schoolwork.

"What now, Joey?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

"Uh?! Rude. Whatever, I was thinking about this Valentine's Day, we could probably go to Disney Land or something."

"That's an awesome idea! Where are we going?"

"We could either go to Disney Land, Six Flags, or Legoland. Which one do you wanna go to?"

Hmmm..I thought. I have always wanted to go to Disney Land before. I guess I can spend my first experience there with my fiancé.

"I wanna go to Disney Land."

"Excellent choice, my love." He then kisses me on my temple and then looks at my homework.

"Whatcha working on?" He says as he sits next to me on the bed.

"Well, for my wood shop homework, we're supposed to do this worksheet of all these building materials for these modern day sculpting instruments. For example, water is made out of hydrogen and oxygen. Clay is made from soil overtime. And other stuff I haven't figured out yet."

"Whoa. I thought you were getting your Masters in Art, not Science."

I giggled. "Wood Shop of the Arts, stoopid."

"Whatever, Bubbles. Tell me when you need help." He then starts to walk out the door.

"I need help.." He suddenly turns around and looks at me.

"I need help with not doing this anymore."

He laughs. "Nina, you have to do your work eventually."

"But I don't wanna do it. Im pregnant and we need to be planning the wedding anyways."

"After you do your work, Nina."

I groan. This was too hard and I didn't wanna do this anymore!

"How about this? Every time you do a substance, you get a whole five minutes of make out time. Is that a deal?"

"I have a whole two pages that have at LEAST ten products on each one, both front and back."

His eyes widened. He realized how much time that would take. "How about a whole five minutes of cuddling time then?"

I giggled. "It's a deal."

For another hour, we were in my room, doing the rest of the materials on the worksheet. We finally got done around 9:17.

"Well, finally all finished! Now TV time with Taco Bell!" I said while getting off the bed. Joey suddenly put his arm in front of me.

"Hold up–did you finish the rest of your work?"

"Yea, sure. Let's go with that." I lied.


"What? I did it."


I sighed. "Fine, I'll do it."

"That's my girl." I then rolled my eyes and sat back on the bed. After another half hour of math homework and studying the capacity and structures of our bodies, I was finally finished and went out the room.

"Now can I get Taco Bell?" I asked Sawyer and Joey while in the doorway of our room.

They both laughed. "Of course you can, Bubbles. It's on the counter in the fridge."

I excitedly skipped into the kitchen and finally got my Mexican pizza burrito.

"Finally, I can have my burrito!" I said as I sit next to Joey and Sawyer. They were both on the couch, watching old reruns of My Neighbor Totoro.

"We're glad you get to eat it. Now sit down and watch the show."

After we all eat our Taco Bell, we eventually got settled down on the couch and I was in Joey's arms and my head was on his chest, feeling his warm body against mine.



"Does this count of your cuddling time?"

"Not hypothetically, no."

"When do you wanna start that? Now or later?"


He giggled. "Pick one."

"Both is one word, so it counts."

"Fine..I lied about that anyways."

"Whatever, I lied when I said I loved you for the first time."

He gasped. "Are you serious?"


"Don't joke about that, Bubbles!" He then hits me playfully.

"Ow! Don't hit me, stoopid." I then hit him back and we are eventually having a full on playful punching fight.

And if you didn't guess it from our strengths differences, I won. Props to me.

"Haha! I won! In yo face, Joseph!" I say as I stepped on his stomach lightly and bragged away.

"Whatever Naomi. Help me up." I then take my foot and set it down on the ground of the apartment. He suddenly takes his hand out and signals me to take it. I did as the signal told me and pulled his body up.

"Okay, well now that you guys have had a literal fight and are tired out, I presume you are at least, are you guys ready for bed? I'm tired." Sawyer asks us in his sleepy voice.

"It is pretty late. Let's call it a night." I agree. We then head into our rooms and get into bed.

"Goodnight, Joey." Sawyer yells from his room.

"Goodnight, Nina." Joey yells, although I am right next to him.

"Goodnight, Sawyer." I yell back to him. We all then turn out our lights. I snuggle in onto Joey's chest and close my eyes.

"Goodnight, Stoopid."

"Goodnight, Bubbles."

I then fall fast asleep in Joey's arms. I love when I do that. Joey makes me feel safe.

I love Joey and can't wait till we get married and have our little baby boy.

He makes me happy, and I wouldn't want it anyway else..

Not with Trevor..

Not with Griffin..

Not with any of my other high school exes..

They can all die in a hole..

All I ever need is my Joey..

All I ever want is my Joey.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now