Chapter 25

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We get into the car to be able to go to the bar down the street and I was chatting all the way there.

"What's the bar like? Will something happen to me? What if someone tries to flirt with w? What if I get in a bar fight? What if I get too drunk?" 

I can tell that he was annoyed by me. It was like I was already drunk!

We finally pull up to the bar and see a bouncer checking IDs. I like how they need to make sure you're 21 to get in. I check my purse to make sure I had it. It wasn't in my purse.

"Oh my God! Where's my ID!?" I scream while emptying my entire purse.

"Isn't that it in your bra? Or is that something else that's rectangular?" Joey pointed out.

I take it out. It was my ID. Oops.

We then get out the car and go to the bouncer. We show him the IDs and he gives us a wristband. We weren't allowed to take those off until we leave.

We get inside the bar. The smell of alcohol filled up the room, and almost everyone inside was either drunk or almost there.

We get to front of the bar and see what kind of drinks we want.

"Can I have a piña colada?" Joey orders. 

I'm still thinking. The piña colada did look good, so I ordered one two. We get our drinks and take one sip of it. It tasted like pineapples. It was amazing how the flavors danced on my tongue. I took another sip. It was even better. I took sip after sip after sip.

Eventually, I ran out.

"Can I have another, please?"

Joey comes over by me. "Nina, remember to be careful about how much you drink."

I pick up my empty glass. "But it's SO good!"

I get my new glass and take a long sip in Joey's face. About 3 more drinks later, I was finally drunk. I was yelling, screaming, and almost took out someone's hair. Luckily, Joey was there to try to calm me down.

"Sorry, miss. She didn't mean to." Joey says while moving me away from the girl.

"Yeah, dude. Control your girlfriend." The girl replies while banging her beer on the table.

"Well, maybe you should get your life, lady! Ever think of that!?" I yell on the other end of the bar.

"What did she say!?" The woman began to get up.

"I said get your d*** sh** together, fake boobs!" I yell again. She begins to come over to me and Joey.

She's all in my face. " I'm here! Got anything else to say, no boobs?"

I don't know what to do. I did the best thing I could. I tore her shirt off. 

"See? You're boobs are fake! I wasn't just making that up!"" I explain to everyone as she covers them up with her arms. She then runs out the bar. I run to the doorway.

"Yea, and take your shirt too!" I screamed and threw her pink, hooker-looking shirt. I come back inside with Joey walking me over to my seat.

"Okay, Nina. You need to calm down a bit." Joey whispers in my ear.

"Why would I wanna calm down!? I'm having FUN!" I yell with my hands in the air.

I begin to kiss his lips passionately. He smiles in the kiss. He released me from the kiss earlier than I wanted to. I do a pouty face.

"Hushity hush hush." Joey says. 

"I'm a pretty mermaid! Let's go play with Sebastian and Flounder!" I tell Joey and flap on the floor like a fish. He picks me up and sits me down.

"Stop it, Nina." Joey sternly says.

"I wanna be a real girl, Pinnocio!"

"You are not a puppet."

"I'm a real girl!? Yay!"

"You were always a real girl, Nina!"

"Let me be a butterfly if I wanna be a butterfly, Mr. Birdy."

"I'm a human being, and so are you."

"Really? I don't believe it."

"Nina, you are drunk. Stop acting silly."

"I'm acting perfectly normal, for your information!" I start to feel dizzy. "Is it getting darker or is it just me?" I passed out, straight on the ground.

The next time I wake up, I am being dragged into the apartment by Joey.

He opens the door to the apartment, and I begin to come to.

"Joey?" I whisper.

He puts me on my feet from across his shoulder.

"Nina, you're awake!" He answers, excitedly while pecking my lips passionately. While we are still kissing, we go into the apartment and take off our jackets and our other accessories we had. We go into our room. He lays me on the bed. I begin to unbutton his shirt.



We all might know what happens after that ! ;)

Well everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for the almost 430 views! I'm gonna see if we can beat my friend's 500 viewed book before she deleted her old profile. Achievements people!

Anyways, thank you for the views, now let's see if we can get those votes and comments up!

My question thing is still up, I think. Ask me anything and you might be included. Social media on my profile page.

That's all everyone! The names contest is OVER! I will not accept anymore names, even if you're my mom! JK mom. If you're reading this, luv you!

Peeeeeeeeeecccccccccceeeeeee(I cont spel at th mment)(<-I did that on purpose)


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