Chapter 45

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The next morning I wake up to the delicious smell of waffles and bacon.

Mm. Something smells wonderful. I thought as I opened my eyes and stretch out my arms and legs. I get up and put on another one of Joey's pajama shirts. I then go into the living room and see that Joey was making breakfast. He was making waffles, eggs, bacon, and orange juice.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Joey!" I say behind him as I jump onto his back and wrap my arms around his neck. He laughs and puts me down.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Nina." He says and kisses me slowly and passionately. I then wrap my arms around the back of his neck as he puts his hands on my hips as I mess with his hair. As we come up from the kiss he looks down and sees what I have on.

"You just love wearing my stuff, don't you?" He giggled.

"It's just too comfy and soft and it feels like I have you everywhere I go." I explain.

He rolls his eyes. "Don't give me that sass, mister."

""Whatever. Just eat the breakfast I made you!" He points to the food on the counter. I take it and sit onto the couch and change the channel to some cartoons. Joey soon joins beside me and puts his arm around me. He then kisses me on the cheek which makes me blush.

"You better get to eating. We have to hurry up and get to Disney before the lines get too crowded." Joey said.

I forgot it's always crowded on holidays. I thought to myself. I should eat something, and eat it quick.

I then started eating really fast.

"Whoa now! Don't eat that fast or you'll get a–"

I gagged. I quickly ran to the bathroom and opened the toilet lid. I then threw up all my breakfast into the toilet as Joey padded me on the back and held back my hair.

"I know what you mean now." I said between retched. For five minutes I was in that bathroom almost puking out my insides.

"Alright, now that that's over, you ready for Disney?" Joey exclaimed excitedly.

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. "I guess so." I said with a sickening voice.

"C'mon! Get excited! We've been waiting for this since–"

"Two days ago!"

"Yeah, but it feels like forever!"

"Whatever, stoopid. Let me get dressed then we can go."

"Okay then, Bubbles. Then it's gonna be my turn."

"Alrighty then." I then close the door behind me and start to get dressed.

I then get dressed into a white shirt with a fancy design in the front with a dark grey sweater, some dark jeans, and my black high topped Converse.

I then come out of the room and see Joey sitting on the couch while watching TV. As I came out, Joey was staring at me with love flaring in his eyes.

"Look who's trying to lose me today." Joey says while spinning me around. I look down at myself. I can see my baby bump.

"Yeah, but everyone will be driven away by the baby bump." I say while touching my stomach with both of my hands.

"I guess, so that means you're all mine!" He says while holding me close with an evil grin.

I hit his arm playfully. "Stop that's creepy!"

He lets me go and chuckled. "You're funny, Nina."

"Whatever, go get changed so we can go!"

"Okay, okay. Jeez." He then went into our room and closed the door.

A couple minutes after Joey went to get dressed, I hear a knock on the door. That must be Vanessa, I thought.

I then went to open the door and guess who it was? Vanessa!

"Hey, Vanessa." I said when I opened the door finally.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Nina!" She hugged me as she exclaimed.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Go sit down and I'll call Sawyer." She the did as I told her what to do and went down the hallway to Sawyer's room.

I knocked on the door. "Come in!" He yelled as I opened the door.

"Hey Nina." He said when I opened the door.

"Hey. Um, Vanessa's here. You might wanna, you know, go get to her." I informed.

"Ugh! Okay. Give me a sec." I then left his room and went back in the living room. I see Joey was coming out of the room with a t-shirt with black jeans, a leather jacket, and black and white sneakers.

"Ooh. Looks who's looking better than usual." I say while falling into his arms.

"Whatever, Nina. You ready to go?" He asks me while putting me down.

"Of course! I'm so excited."

"Okay then! What are we waiting here for? Let's go!" I then grabbed my jacket while he grabbed his keys and his wallet and we were out the door.

"Bye Sawyer, bye Vanessa!" We yelled at the same time before we finally closed the door. We then went downstairs and got into his car. We got in and put our stuff in the back.

He cracked up the car but the car didn't start. He didn't again and again and again. Nothing was happening.

"Ugh! The battery must've went out when you left the light on in the middle of the night yesterday." He groaned.

"Man! But we can still take my car." I put out there.

"Good thinking!" We then went back upstairs, grabbed my keys, and left before anyone even noticed we were there.

We then went back into my car and Joey got into the driver's seat and I got into the passenger's. We then cracked up the engine and it finally started.

Yes! Disney, here we come! I thought to myself.

"Yes! Now, we should get some gas before we go." He said while pulling out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, and some snacks would be good too." I added.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I nodded my head.

"Seven-Eleven! Yes!" We then we're on our way to the 7-Eleven down the street.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now