Chapter 49

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April 5, 2015


Today is the day I've been waiting for this entire few months of being inside this stupid cast. Today was the day I finally get my cast taken off my leg.

Me and Joey hopped into the car and drove to the hospital. We then waited in the waiting room until my name was finally called.

"Naomi Fury." The nurse called me. I then got up and followed the nurse into the hallway while closing the door behind us. We then went to the examination room where they then cut my cast off and let me walk a bit. It was a bit hard at first, but I then got used to it. She then handed me a knee brace.

"If you're ever having trouble walking, use this to help you walk." She said as I took the knee brace out her hand. A few minutes after the rest of my checkup, I was able to go home and relax with Joey.

A few minutes after we came home, I felt something in my stomach. It felt ticklish and yet a little bit of pain.

"Nina, what's wrong?" Joey asked me when he saw my face. I finally realized what it was.


"Yeah, Nina?"

"He's kicking.."

"Wait, what!?"

"The kicking.."

"Really!? Let me feel!" We then both put our hands on my stomach and felt the baby kick very delicately against it.

"Joey, just thinking about these few kicks make me think, this could've never happened without you. Like, me and you dating, having our ups and downs, getting married, and most of all, having this baby. This makes me appreciate having you in my life. Thank you..for everything you have ever given me. I love you so much." I then kissed his lips gracefully.

"Thank you for giving me the gift of life for our baby boy. I love you so much, also." All of a sudden, the baby stopped kicking. Joey put his arm around me and we went back to watching TV. After two hours of watching, Joey finally asked me the question I've been wanting to know also.

"Hey, Nina. When do you wanna have the wedding?" He asked.

"Umm, I actually don't know. I know either in May or June. It'll be beautiful that time of year."

"How about June 23?"

"Sounds perfect."


"Soon, I'll be Mrs. Nina Graceffa! That has a nice ring to it."

"Yes it does." He then kissed me lightly on my lips.

I then checked the time. 7:35.

"Hey, Joey. Can you go pick up dinner?"

"Um, sure. What do you want?"

"Can we get some veggie burgers?"

"Woah, what makes you wanna be so healthy?"

"Shut up! For the baby's sake, and my health. And get some veggie sticks too."

"Okay, I know the perfect place for all of this stuff."

He then grabbed his keys, jacket, and wallet and was out the door. Since Sawyer was at Jenny's house, I was in the house all by myself. I decided I would talk to the baby for a little bit.

"Hey, you. I'm gonna be your new mommy soon. That man that just left was your daddy. He's a famous YouTuber. That means he makes videos on a website called YouTube. Soon, you'll be able to be on it one day. And me..I'm just your average woman trying to not be noticed on YouTube that much. I just don't want anyone to get mad that I'm taking Joey away from them. I try not to, but sometimes he's too busy to notice that he's late uploading a video by dealing with me and my pregnant lady problems. And soon he may be too late uploading a video by dealing with you. Just know that me and your daddy love you so much and never want you to know anyway different. I'm gonna watch TV now. If you ever want me to talk to you again, just kick."

About ten minutes after my little chat with the baby, Joey finally comes back from his trip for veggie burgers.

"Oh, you're back?" I say as I sit up from the couch.

"Yes I am. What did I miss?" Joey asked as coming over to kiss me.

"I talked to the baby for a few minutes."

"What did you say to him?"

"Just explained who we were and if he ever wanted to talk again just kick."

"Oh, cool. You wanna eat now or what?"

"Now is fine."

We then began to eat our veggie burgers and talked a bit more about our plans for the wedding. We wanted the wedding to start at 1:43 pm since 143 means I love you–or at least that's what Cody Simpson told me.

After dinner, I then took a shower and put on a t-shirt that said "JOEY Graceffa" with a picture of Joey on it with some sweat pants.

When I came out of the room, all I heard was Joey laughing at me. "Looks like someone really loves me."

"Shut up. I bought this before I even met you. That's when..I thought I would never even get to meet you. Now I have and I'm happier than I could even imagine."

I then went up to him and kissed him quickly but gently. I then looked outside.

"Wow, it's really pouring out there." I say as I look at the rain, paying attention to every raindrop. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I skipped to the door. As I slightly unlocked and opened the door, I peek out a crack of the door and see a girl with brown hair and blue eyes outside of our apartment.

She looks kinda familiar. I thought to myself.

"Hello, is anyone here?" She spoke as her voice cracked. She sounds familiar, too.

I then closed and opened the door louder. I then had a better view of her face. When I saw her fully, I started to cry.

"Alexa?" I whined with a small crack in my voice.

nioey for life // joey graceffa fanfiction ✔️ (#Wattys2016)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt