Chapter 26

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The next day, I wake up with the WORST headache I've ever had. I get up and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I go to the mirror to look at myself. All I'm in is my bra.

I get into the shower, I remembered all that happened last night. I got into a fight...Joey protected me...we came back home. What happened after that though? I'll remember eventually.

I get out the shower, and start to get my hair situated. It was very messy and frizzy when I woke up this morning, so I shampooed it and put deep conditioner on it afterwards. I then went in the room and changed into a turquoise shirt, black jeans, and Galaxy Converse.

After I got dressed, I went back in the bathroom and rinsed the conditioner out my hair.

I then go into the living room, where Joey is eating cereal and watching TV. I sit next to him and kiss him on his cheek.

"Hey, Joey." I smile.

"Hey, Nina." He responds. He then pecks my lips passionately as I mess with his hair.

My stomach begins to rumble. "Did you make me some cereal?"

"Uh, yea. It should be on the table."

I get up and go to the table. I grab my bowl and sit back down next to my boyfriend. My head was pounding even harder against my skull. I knew then that I couldn't go to school today.

"I have the WORST headache right now!" I yell at Joey while putting my hand on my head.

"All those d*** tequilas you had last night!" Joey says.

"Ohh yeah! I hardly remember anything from last night, but I do remember THAT."

After breakfast, I run back into the room to get my secret surprise I grabbed Joey on my way home from school the day after we met. I put the present, which was wrapped up in green wrapping paper and blue ribbon, behind my back and go back into the living room.

"Joey..." I say with a seductive voice. I grabbed his attention and held it by a rope. "I have a surprise for you, Joey..." I pulled the present from behind my back and his mouth opened so wide, a pack of flies could've literally flew into his mouth.

"You didn't have to give me anything!" He exclaimed and took it out of my hands.

"Well, we have been dating for four months now, so...I'm giving you your Christmas present early so I can get an even BETTER one for you later."

He struggled to open the ribbon at first, so right before I stepped in to help him, I yelled "Be a man!" and help my little baby out.

When he finally got it open, he was the most surprised I've ever seen him. 

"You got me a Minecraft wolf plush!?" Joey exclaimed with joy.

"I know how much you love Minecraft, and wolves, so...I got you both." I told him.

"I love you so much right now." He brings me into a hug as I stretch my arms onto his chubby body and embraced him for several moments.

A few hours later, me and Joey sat around the house doing nothing. I sat on the couch, playing games on my phone while Joey looked in the comments of his last video of what they want him to do.

"Hey, Nina." Joey calls.

I turn my head towards his bushy face. "Yea, Joey?"

"Come here for a sec."

I moved myself towards him enough to where I could see his computer screen. 

"A bunch of people want us to do the boyfriend/girlfriend tag. You wanna do it?"

I paused for a second. This is all so sudden. I thought Joey's fans were gonna HATE me, but they actually want me to do VIDEOS with him!? I can't believe it.

"Uhhhh...sure why not!?"

"Awesome! Since you don't have a YouTube channel, how bout we do the boyfriend and girlfriend tag on my channel."


No words right now...

"I guess that's fine..." I nervously whispered.

I then receive a text message from Jade to call her immediately.

I start to make the phone call.

"Hello?" I responded into the phone.

"Hey, Nina! Guess what!?" Jade yelled excitedly into the phone.

"Calm down, Jade. What happened now?"

"Me and Kaden are officially a COUPLE!"

For you who may not know, Kaden is a boy that me, Jade, and Jennifer have known since high school. They have had a closer relationship than me and Jennifer's friendship. I knew that Kaden liked her, and I knew that Jade likes him, but they both told me not to tell the other that they liked them. Kinda confusing, I know. Now that they are finally dating, me, Joey, Jennifer, and Sawyer can all go on a triple date!

"Jade, that's awesome! I knew you two would be PERFECT for each other ever since you told me that you liked him!"

"I know! Today, he asked me out when we were walking to school together, and I just HAD to say yes! It was so magical, and I thought I was gonna pass out!"

"Cool, well, I've gotta go. Me and Joey are doing a video together, so...I'll call you back when I'm finished."

"Oh, so you think yo boyfriend betta than talkin' on the phone with yo best friend!? Alright, Nina! I see how it is!"

I giggled. "Bye girl."

"Bye. And you betta call me back, too!"

"I will! I swear I will!"


"Bye, Jade!"

"Bye, Nina!"

We then hung up. I turned around to Joey and saw that he was setting up the camera and chairs.

"You ready?" Joeys asked when finally finished setting up.

Well, it's now or never...

"I guess..." I said and sat down in the seat on the left and Joey sat on the right. He then turns the camera on.

Here we go, Nina...get ready for hate comments.

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