Chapter 153: Find Your Pace

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Chris brought me leftover sushi from the place he went to with Sebastian, but I suspect it wasn't entirely leftover, because I know how much he can eat and it was a lot more than just a small amount. 

Once I finish eating, I turned to him with a cocked brow, "Now, tell me the truth. Were these really leftovers?"

Chris smiles sheepishly, a bashful shrug of his shoulders, and it makes me laugh. 

"You didn't have to buy me lunch baby, I would have figured something out-"

"I wanted to," he interrupts, reaching up to cup my cheek as I look at him, "Stop that, it's really not a big deal. I was out with Seb and I missed you and I had a feeling you hadn't eaten. So I bought you lunch, because I wanted to. That's all. Now say thank you." 

I chuckle as I lean into his touch, quietly murmuring, "Thank you," before I tilt my head to kiss his palm. 

He hums, his thumb stroking my cheek when I look up at him again, "You're welcome baby." 

I reach for his free hand to entwine our fingers as I ask, "How was Seb? It's been a while since I've seen him." 

"He's good," Chris replies, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, "He's been working a lot. He's been getting a lot more offers lately."

"That's great!" I reply with a smile, "I'm so happy for him."

"Yeah, me too," Chris mumbles, his eyes hesitantly meeting mine. 

I tilt my head a little, my brows furrowing at his expression, "What's wrong?"

"I just.." Chris sighs, shaking his head, "This is going to sound so fucking ungrateful, but I'm just kind of.. Glad, I'm not getting a shit ton of amazing offers right now? I've gotten some that I'll definitely look into, but part of me really just wants to wind down for a while, take a break.. You know?"

I nod, my thumb stroking his knuckles soothingly, "Yeah, I understand baby. You deserve some time off, it's been a lot." 

"Yeah, but I just.." He frowns, looking down at our joined hands, "I just feel guilty about it, in a way. Like I'm not allowed to take time off or take a break from stuff. I don't want to miss out on something great, but I also don't want to exhaust myself. I want to take a part if it feels right, not just because it's there." 

I nod again, watching his worried expression carefully. I know he's very in tune with his emotions, and I'm used to him expressing them in all sorts of ways, but it's rare to see him like this. 

He doesn't usually worry much - I'm usually the one who worries. He's the one that reassures me that everything is going to work out. 

I reach up to cup his cheek in my palm. His eyes lift to meet mine, and I hold eye contact as I whisper, "Everything is going to be okay, Chris. It'll work out. And you should be able to take time off without anyone blaming you for it. Roles will always come, don't worry about it. You're Chris fucking Evans, there is no shortage of people who'd love to have you in their movie." 

He smiles softly, kissing my thumb when it trails over his bottom lip, "Thank you, bug. I know what, deep down I guess, but I still just worry about it sometimes. I don't want to miss out, but I also don't want to continue at the pace I've been going lately."

"You'll find your pace," I reply with a smile, "Right now is a transition period. You've been with Marvel for so long, and now you have to find out who you're going to be after them. And whatever you choose, you'll be great at it. I just know it." 

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