Chapter 78: The Right Way

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Chris and I get ready for the birthday and I check my phone as he's getting dressed.

"My brother texted," I say as I read the message, "He said it will only be my closest family so we should be okay." 

"Okay with what?" Chris asks absentmindedly as he starts buttoning up his shirt. 

I shrug, "Just, you know.. If it was my entire family I might have been worried someone would post something." 

Chris' fingers stop their motion as he looks up at me, "Oh.. You're still worried about that? Still want to keep us a secret?" 

I frown as I glance up at him from my phone, "Don't you?" 

Chris sighs as he starts buttoning up his shirt again, "I mean, we haven't really talked about it, but I don't know.. I just don't want to keep this a secret forever, it's making everything more complicated." 

I walk over to him, smiling softly as my fingers take over his work on the buttons. His hands land on my waist, his eyes on my face as mine focus on closing the buttons, "I know it is, but I didn't realize you were ready to tell the world." 

I look up at him and he smiles, his warm palm cupping my cheek as he says, "I'm meeting your family today. So I figured that took us into different territory. Don't you think?"

I nod, my hands sliding up his chest to rest on his shoulders once his shirt is buttoned up, "Yeah, I do. I'm just still worried, after what happened last time."

"I know," he says, his nose nudging mine, "But if we do it the right way, it'll be different." 

I chuckle, "And what's the right way?"

His smile widens, "Instead of leaving bread crumbs or bits and pieces, we just make it official. Rip the bandaid off, quick and easy." 

"Okay," I say, nodding, "That makes sense. And how do we do that?"

He shrugs, "I do an interview or have Megan put out a statement. People will probably go nuts for a few days but eventually the dust will settle." 

I furrow my brows as I think it over, "And then everyone would know about me? Who I am?" 

He smiles softly, his thumb caressing my cheek as he gently says, "Yes, but don't worry so much, bug. It'll be different, I'm sure of it. And besides, it was going to happen eventually, right? We can't keep it secret forever anyway, eventually it was going to come out." 

"Yeah," I whisper, glancing away momentarily before meeting his eyes again, "That's true. This is part of the package of dating you, and I've always known that. And I most definitely want to keep dating you so I'll just have to accept it." 

I smile up at him teasingly and he chuckles as he nods, "Yes, you do. You're not getting rid of me that easily. We can talk to Megan about it tomorrow, let's just focus on having a good time with your family. I can't be worrying about it today, I need to clear my mind to properly prepare myself." 

I laugh, my fingers trailing up to play with the hair at the base of his neck, "Oh yeah? For what?" 

"Your father," he says with a deep sigh, "Apparently he's not as easy to charm as you." 

I laugh loudly, Chris chuckling in response, before I lean up to whisper against his lips, "That's true, he's a tough man to win over. Better bring your A-game." 

"Oh, I intend to," and then he leans down until our lips meet. 


"Okay, how do I look?" Chris asks from behind me as I'm putting on jewelry. 

I turn around to look at him and the sight makes my entire body tingle excitedly. 

He's in a white button up shirt with a tie, and navy blue slacks, a thin leather belt around his waist. 

"Fuck me," I mumble under my breath as I look him up and down. 

Chris chuckles, "I'd love to but I thought you said we were running late?" 

I roll my eyes and grumble, "Shut up." 

I clear my throat as I walk closer, adjusting his tie and running a hand through his hair before I say, "You look great, baby. But you know you don't need to wear a tie, right? It's not a formal thing." 

He hums, "I know, but I need to look presentable. I'm meeting your family, I want them to like me." 

"Oh, they will," I snort, glancing down at how the buttons on his shirt strain a little when he places his hands on his hips, "Trust me, they're gonna fucking love you.." 

I trail off as I look back up at his face, and he quirks a brow, a teasing smirk on his lips when he says, "Yeah? Well, that's great, then I can focus on winning your father over." 

I chuckle as I kiss his cheek, "If he gives you a hard time just let me know and I'll smack some sense into him." 

Chris laughs, a deep, hearty sound as he shakes his head, "Please don't, I don't think it would help him like me very much." 

His hands run up over my arms as his eyes scan my body, "You look beautiful, sweetheart. I've always loved you in a sundress."

He smirks again and I swat his arm jokingly, "I'm wearing this one for my mother, not for you." 

"No?" He says when his hand slides down to the hem of my dress and snakes its way under it, his fingertips trailing my thigh softly, "Pretty sure I'll enjoy it more than your mom will." 

"I think you will, too, but she likes me in dresses, so.."

"Can't blame her," he says with a short shrug, stepping closer as his hand lands on my ass and gives it a firm squeeze, "You look delectable." 

I roll my eyes and smile as I look up at him, his other hand trailing to my neckline as he whispers, "I also like that it's not covering this up." 

His fingers brush the gold necklace carefully, an adoring look on his face when his eyes land on the pendant. 

I picked a pale-blue sundress with a semi-low neckline on purpose, wanting to finally wear his necklace proudly around my neck. And even though I told him I'm wearing this for my mom, I also picked this one because I knew it would bring this exact reaction out of him.  

"Me too," I whisper back with a smile, "I figured there was no reason to hide it away now that my entire family will know about you."

"That's good," he says, his eyes flitting back up to meet mine, "Because I don't want you to hide it any longer." 

And then he pulls me closer as he plants his lips on mine, kissing me deeply. 


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