Chapter 162: The Fight

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask the man standing before me, his chest rising and falling with every heavy breath he takes.

"I came to see you," Chris replies, his brows pulled into a frown, "To explain."

"And what part of I don't want to hear your explanation, didn't you understand?"

It's been one day since the article came out. I blocked his number the second I got out of court, and I've been hiding in my apartment since then. Not only am I humiliated personally, but I've also been humiliated in front of the entire world. That makes a person want to hide away until the apocalypse hopefully hits. 

"Amelia, please, I-"

"No!" I yell, cutting him off, "Fuck you! How dare you show up at my fucking apartment after what you did! You're despicable!"

I try to push the door closed, but he reacts too quickly, shoving his foot into the opening to keep me from closing it.

"Amelia!" He yells, his hand curling around my front door to keep it open, "Just listen to me! It's not what it fucking looks like!"

"You're an asshole!" I scream, the tears I've been expertly suppressing finally making it to the surface, "Leave, fuck off!"

"I didn't fucking cheat on you!" He yells, his eyes burning into mine when I get enough courage to look up at him. "She is a friend, just a friend! You haven't met her yet but you were supposed to next time we went to see my family! I didn't cheat on you, I fucking swear!"

"It sure as hell looked like it!" I scream, the tears spilling down my cheeks as I shove at his chest. He doesn't budge, staying put exactly where he is, even when I shove him again, "You explain that to me, explain to me why it looked like that when it wasn't! You can't!"

I shove him again but his hand gently wraps around my wrist, stopping me midway. I'm panting as I look up at him, my chest rising and falling rapidly as the tears streak my cheeks, a sob caught in my throat.

I can see tears forming in his eyes as he looks down at me, pain etched across his features when he whispers, "Amelia. Bug, baby, please. I swear on my life I didn't cheat on you, I would never.. I could never do that. I fucking love you, I love you. You're the only one, you're everything, you're the only one I-.."

He trails off, his eyes darting away from mine while he takes a deep breath. When he looks back at me, I spot a tear trailing down his cheek.

"You are the only one I've ever loved like this. I would never do that to you, I want to spend the rest of my fucking life with you, don't you get that? Do you not know how fucking much you mean to me? Baby, please," another tear falls down his cheek, "Don't push me away, listen to me. This isn't what it looks like."

The sob I was trying to hold back bubbles up, more tears spilling from my eyes as I cry, my eyes locked on his.

I want to believe him so bad, but I don't know if I should. I'm so scared it would be a mistake.

He takes a step closer, his hand hesitantly reaching up to my cheek, his thumb wiping the tears from under my eyes.

"Just let me in. Hear me out. I can explain this, all of it. I fucking promise."


"She's just a friend." 

I watch him release a heavy sigh, his eyes locked on his hands, "I swear, she is just a friend. We weren't kissing, it was the angle and they got the shot as I was pulling away from a hug. It's all been misconstrued and blown up to be something it isn't. She's a friend, nothing more, and it wasn't a date, we were just hanging out. As friends." 

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