Chapter 49: Visceral

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We drive back from the lot towards the hotel and it's all seemingly as usual. The driver now knows to dodge the paparazzi, and even if they caught up to us, the hotel being on lockdown would always make sure we got rid of them.

They weren't allowed to follow us inside and knowing that was a relief. 

Once we drive into the garage I feel like a weight is lifted from my shoulders. I release a heavy breath, my nerves calming down as soon as I realize that we're safe now. 

The driver brings us to the normal spot and he parks it efficiently, nothing out of the usual. 

But as soon as the car is parked I hear people running up behind it, lining up at the back of it as I see flashes through the tinted windows.

I look behind us, out of the rear window, and I see a horde of photographers, blocking the car into the parking spot and making it impossible to leave it without being caught on camera.

I immediately feel the panic rising inside, looking over at Chris with wide eyes, "Chris, whats happening?"

I look out of the rear window again, my entire body tensing up, and I don't even fully register it when Chris quickly unbuckles my seatbelt and pulls me over to him.

"How the fuck did they get into the garage? I thought the hotel was locked down!" Chris yells to his bodyguard in the front as he wraps both arms around me, pulling me close to his chest.

"It is!" His bodyguard quickly responds, "They're not supposed to be here!"

His body guard steps out of the car, yelling at the photographers as he does his best to get them to back up and away from the car.

Chris' hands move soothingly up and down my back as I hide my face in his chest, trying to take steady breaths to keep myself from panicking further, and he bends his head down to whisper, "Calm down baby, breathe for me. It'll be okay, I promise, we'll fix this."

I squeeze my eyes shut as I melt into him further, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist, and I'm only slightly aware when I feel him shrugging his sweatshirt off his arms.

"Baby," he says calmly and when I don't unwrap my arms from his waist, he kisses the top of my head as he quietly murmurs, "Ames, I need you to put this hoodie on, okay?"

Hearing my name snaps me back to reality, at least for a moment, and I nod slowly as I pull back, letting him put the sweatshirt on me before he zips it up.

"You need to keep your face down as we walk through the garage. I'll hold you as close to me as I can, keep your arms wrapped around my waist, okay? And keep the hood up."

I nod as I look up at him wide eyed, scared and nervous and he leans down quickly, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before whispering, "It'll be okay."

He pulls me back into his embrace and I wrap my arms around his waist as instructed, hiding my face in his chest with the hood over my head.

I don't entirely understand whats happening, at least not until I hear his door being opened and he slowly moves out of the car, keeping my face buried in his chest with one hand on the back of my head, holding me close against him as he moves.

"Chris! Chris!" 

I hear shouting as he slowly moves us out of the car and I can also hear his bodyguard yell at the photographers, telling them to back up.

I'm hiding my face in Chris' chest the entire time he guides us through the garage. I can't see where we're going or whats happening, the only thing I can focus on is breathing in Chris' comforting smell so I won't have a complete breakdown from the situation happening around me right now. 

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