Chapter 97: Calm Before The Storm

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I'm sitting cross-legged on my bed, watching my phone as notifications and messages keep pouring in.

It's completely overwhelming, at one point my instagram even stopped functioning properly because I kept getting bombarded with notifications. 

I watch the little red dot next to the social media icon on my home screen as the number keeps rising, electing to turn my phone on silence a long time ago. 

I sigh, looking up at Chris as he watches me with a worried expression. 

"Are you mad?" He asks quietly, standing in front of me where I'm sitting on the bed. 

I shake my head and sigh again, glancing down at my phone quickly before meeting his gaze, "No, no of course I'm not mad, baby. This is just.. a lot." 

"I know," he says as he walks closer, sitting down on the edge of the bed, "I'm sorry." 

I offer him a gentle smile, taking his hand in mine which seems to loosen up his tense form, "Don't be sorry, it's alright. I knew it was going to happen. I just wish you would have given me a heads up before doing it, though." 

I smile softly, and he returns it, although his is a bit more apologetic than mine. 

He takes a deep breath as he nods, his eyes dropping to my phone as he watches the notifications pour in, "Yeah, you're right, I should have. I just.. I don't know, it's like my mind went blank," he looks back up at me, "I just, I had to do it, it was this moment of clarity for me. I spent the entire day with your family and, carrying you up the stairs, walking into your apartment, watching you as you slept - the entire thing felt so natural, and good, being with your family did, too. And then I kept thinking about what your mom said, as I was driving us back, and I just wanted to make it clear to everyone. Rip off the bandaid, put it out there so we could move onto the next step." 

I smile and nod, leaning closer to cup his cheek as I hold eye contact, "That's sweet, baby. But it's your fault that my phone is basically useless right now." 

He lets out a surprised chuckle, leaning into my touch as he hums, "Yeah, you're probably right, it is my fault. It'll die down soon, it usually does." 

"Okay," I say as I nod again, taking a deep breath as I glance down at my phone before turning off the screen, "Well, social media is out of the question for the day, then. What do you want to do?" 

Chris smiles widely, turning his head to kiss my palm before he says, "Hmm, I don't know, what do you feel like doing?" 

"Cuddling," I immediately answer, making him chuckle again, "Cuddling, watching movies, eating shitty food that you probably shouldn't be eating because you're still shooting." 

He barks out a laugh, "You're right, but what's the harm in doing it for one day, hm? I think your idea sounds like a great plan." 

I beam up at him, smiling against his lips when he leans in to kiss me. 

However, when he pulls back, he furrows his brows, "There's just one problem.." 


"We have to agree on a movie and that's probably going to be impossible." 

I laugh loudly, shaking my head in amusement before I say, "You know what, I can fix that. How about you pick the first one, and I pick the next one?" 

He grins, nodding quickly, "Sounds perfect." 


We decided to order pizza, and I'm quickly regretting letting him pick the first movie when he immediately goes in search for a Disney movie to watch. 

"Pick something good," I say as I glare at him, "Otherwise you'll be in for a world of pain." 

He snorts, "Oh please, it doesn't really matter what I pick, anyway." 

I look up at his face, my back leaning on the arm of the couch as he sits next to me, my legs resting on top of his. His fingers are absentmindedly trailing over my exposed skin, as I'm sitting there in nothing but my panties and one of his t-shirts. 

I chuckle, "What? Of course it matters." 

He quickly shakes his head, tutting before he speaks, "No bug, it really doesn't." 

I scoff, sitting up to lean closer, my palm sliding over his bare chest, fingers playing with his chest hair as I look towards the TV, "Why not?" 

He turns his head to look at me, his face only inches from mine when I do the same. Then he smirks, "Because I'm going to be spending the entire time focusing on you, anyway." 

"Oh really?" I chuckle, "You're going to be watching me instead of the movie?" 

"No, not watching," he says with a teasing glint in his eye. 

"Then what?" I ask with a laugh, my hand slowly exploring his chest, feeling his warm skin and soft muscles. 

He doesn't say anything, just smirks at me, and then he quickly turns toward the TV, pressing play on a totally random movie, before he tosses the remote on the floor, his face turning back to me. 

He leans in, his arm moving around my back to pull me closer before his lips meet mine. 

He hums into the kiss, his hand slowly trailing up my bare thigh until his fingers reach the edge of my cotton panties, and then he whispers against my lips, "I am going to be taking advantage of having you all to myself for the entire day. I hope you're ready, baby, because you're not leaving this couch until I'm done with you." 


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