Chapter 109: Flustered

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I'm sitting in the chairs in front of the set, waiting for them to start the scene as Pierre sits in a chair next to me. 

I'm mindlessly scrolling on instagram as we wait around, both Taylor and Chris taking forever to get changed into costume. 

I'm completely absorbed by my phone screen, looking through random, and unimportant, updates from people on my instagram feed when Pierre's voice brings me back to reality. 

"So, how's it going with you two?" 

I turn my head to look at him, his eyes focusing on his phone screen as he talks, clearly just as bored as I am right now. 

I chuckle, turning my attention back to my phone as I speak, "It's going great." 

"Yeah? And how was the reunion last night?" 

I can hear the smirk in his voice, making me look up at him as I chuckle and shake my head, "That's private, buddy."

"Oh come on," he says with a roll of his eyes as he looks at me, "Just give me something. I've already seen his dick so I know it has to be good." 

"Pierre!" I scold, slapping his arm, "Don't say that. It's weird enough already that you've even seen it, that wasn't for you to see. It wasn't for anyone to see, technically.." 

He stays silent, his smile dropping a little before he asks, "Oh shit, are you actually upset? I'm sorry Ames, I was just kidding, but-"

I shake my head, interrupting him, "No, I'm not upset, but maybe don't bring it up in front of Chris. I know we've both played it off in public, but he was very embarrassed when it first happened. And I'm sure he's already worrying about everyone around him having seen it." 

Pierre nods, "Of course, that makes sense. I won't mention it again, I'm sorry." 

I offer him a soft smile, "It's alright, you didn't know. But that was a private moment that shouldn't have been shared with the world." 

"The picture was for you though, right? It wasn't just one he had lying around for fun?" 

I laugh, "Yes, of course it was for me. I haven't personally checked his camera roll but I hope he's not the type of guy who would have an entire album dedicated to his nudes, or some shit like that." 

"Oh god," Pierre chuckles, "I've known guys like that. Awful." 

I nod, "Yes, fuck boy energy right there." 

My laughter quiets down as I look back towards my phone, but then my attention is pulled back to Pierre when he speaks again. 

"What are you going to wear tonight?" 

I furrow my brows, looking up at him, "Tonight?"

He looks up from his phone as well to meet my eyes, "Yeah, for the party?" 

I tilt my head as I furrow my brows, "What party?"

"Chris didn't tell you?"

I quickly shake my head, "No, I don't think so." 

"Oh, well, Taylor told me they're having a cast party thing at one of those clubs in the city." 

I raise my brows in surprise, "Really? I had no idea. Shit, then I have to think of something to wear.." 

"Did you bring anything suitable?" Pierre asks with a chuckle, "Usually you're not so good with that." 

I shake my head in amusement as I smile at him, "Jerk." 

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