Chapter 84: Smug

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My dad frowns immediately, my mother mirroring his reaction as they look at Chris, and then both turn to me simultaneously. 

"What?" My mom asks, clearly shocked beyond belief, "Did they... Recast the role?"

"Nope," Chris says with a short shake of his head, smiling widely as he takes a swig of his beer. 

I glare at him, pushing his shoulder with my hand as I mutter, "Smug bastard." 

"Ames," my mother says, making me turn back to look at her, "Are you telling me that Chris is that actor you used to really like?" 

I sigh and nod, my cheeks still burning as I reply, "Yes mom, that's him. Thanks for telling him all of my secrets." 

"Oh.." She says, her eyes wide as she trails off. Then she gives me an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry honey, I had no idea.." 

"It's fine," I reply with another sigh, taking a sip of my beer, my cheeks slowly cooling down, "Chris already knows I used to have a crush on him." 

"Used to?" Chris quickly says as he looks at me, "That crush better still be alive and thriving, bug." 

I chuckle, taking his hand in mine again as I nod, "Yes, sorry. Of course it is, that's not what I meant." 

Chris brings my hand to his lips, leaving a gentle kiss on the back of my hand before rubbing it with his thumb as he places both of our entwined hands on his thigh. 

Then I direct my attention to my parents, "Yes, Chris is the actor who I used to like. So please, in the future, try and not embarrass me as much." 

My mom nods, her smile a little strained as she looks between the two of us. 

Tension forms for a moment as both of them just stare at us, until my dad finally breaks it by chuckling as he says, "I guess you're doing a little more than okay, then - financially."

Chris chuckles as well, and I follow suit. 

"Yes, you could say that," Chris replies with a humble nod, "But I mainly do it because I enjoy it." 

"It's very impressive," my dad says with a smile, "Ames made me watch one of those movies once. Your character really resonated with me, being a soldier and all." 

Chris' smile widens as he says, "That means a lot to me, thank you." 

I smile as they casually start talking about the movie he watched, which Chris quickly deducts to be The First Avenger, and then I glance over at my mom. 

She is looking at me, wide eyed and shocked, and I reach a hand across the table to her as I whisper, "Mom, you okay?" 

"Yes," she whispers with a nod, taking my hand in hers, "Just.. Surprised." 

"I know," I whisper in response, "I didn't really know how to bring it up." 

Then she leans closer, checking that Chris is preoccupied talking to my father before she whispers, "He's famous. Right?" 

I nod shortly, "Yes, he is." 

"Oh wow," she breathes out as she leans back in her chair, "That's crazy." 

I chuckle, patting her hand comfortingly as I say, "Don't worry. He's a pretty normal guy. I even tend to forget sometimes." 

"That's great, honey," she says with a warm smile, glancing quickly at Chris and then back at me, "He's lovely. And I think he really likes you." 

"I hope so," I say with a shy smile as I look at my mom, and right as the words leave my lips, I feel Chris' hand squeezing mine as he continues talking to my father. 


After a while, we start making our way back to the terrace for dinner, my parents walking ahead of us as I stay back to talk to Chris. 

"So," I say as I smile up at him, "How did it go?"

"It went well," he says with a warm smile, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. His large hand cups my cheek, thumb caressing it gently as he says, "I like your father. He's a good man." 

I grin, beaming up at him at his words, "Really? It was good?"

He hums and nods, taking a step closer to wrap his other arm around my waist, "Mmhm, it was, baby. He's funny, smart too. So is your mom. I see where you get it from now." 

I blush, leaning into his touch as I melt against him, my hands slowly sliding up his chest. 

I hold eye contact, his blue eyes gazing into mine lovingly when I whisper, "I love you, you know that?"

"I do," he says, his smile widening as his thumb trails down to my bottom lip, brushing over it delicately, "But I still like hearing it."

His eyes flick down to where his thumb is moving over my bottom lip before they flit up to meet mine again, "And I also hope you realize that I love you more." 

I giggle and quickly shake my head, "Not possible." 

A small groan bubbles up in his chest as he leans closer, and then he whispers against my lips, "Yes it is." 

I don't relent, looking into his eyes, a wide smile on my face as I say, "Nuhuh, I don't believe you." 

He grunts, his eyes still gleaming with mischief when he pecks my lips quickly. Then he bends his head down, bringing his lips close to my ear before he whispers, "Listen to your daddy, sweet girl, you know he would never lie to you." 

My breath hitches, lips parting slightly when he leans back to look at me, a smirk forming on his lips when he notices my reaction. 

He leans close again, giving my lips a short peck before he whispers, "Now, let's go back to your family. And you'll be good for me, yes?" 

I nod, a small motion as I look up at him, and he hums as he says, "Knew you would. Always my good girl at heart, even when you act like a brat." 

And then he pulls me into his chest before planting a long, languid kiss on my lips. 


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