Chapter 112: A Gift

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We spend the next few hours watching Chris and Taylor act out more scenes before the directors finally wrap for the day. 

They only had a half day of filming today, partly because it's a Saturday and it's supposed to be their day off, but also because of the party later tonight. 

I spoke to Pierre about what I should wear and we agreed that he would come help me out later. I didn't really bring anything to go out in, I brought some cute summer dresses but that was mainly because it helps make the heat more bearable. And because I know Chris loves them. But I didn't actually bring any party wear. 

However, Pierre told me he could easily dress it up and not to worry about it, so I didn't. I almost contemplated leaving set early to go looking for a dress in the city, but I also didn't want to be away from Chris. It was nice being back on set with him, getting to watch him do the scenes and be here for support, even if it could be tedious at times. 

I wait around for Chris and Taylor to get changed out of costume, casually talking to Pierre as we're standing on the parking lot. 

"I spoke to Chris about the party earlier," he says with a smile, "He was a little surprised when I told him you didn't bring anything to wear." 

I chuckle, "Why did you tell him?" 

"I don't know," he shrugs, "We were just small-talking and I mentioned that I would come help you out later. But then he asked me some weird questions." 

I tilt my head, an amused smile on my face, "What do you mean, weird questions?" 

Pierre giggles, glancing around the lot before he says, "He asked me what kind of dress I thought you'd like." 

My brows shoot up in surprise, "Oh.. He did? Why would he ask that?" 

Pierre shrugs again, teasingly this time, "I don't know Ames, but I hope it means he'll buy you a present." 

I scoff, "I hope not. I don't want him to think he has to spend his money on me. I have my own money, I can take care of myself." 

Pierre laughs, putting a hand on my shoulder, "I'm pretty sure he knows that. I don't think a present should be understood as an I'm buying you this because you can't afford it thing. I think it would be more of an I'm buying you this because I love you thing."

"Oh.." I say, trailing off as I mull it over. Then I furrow my brows, "Is that like, a relationship thing? Buying random presents for each other?" 

That makes Pierre laugh again, "Uh, yeah, of course it is, dummy." 

"Do you buy Taylor things just for fun?" I ask, my brows still furrowed. 

Pierre shrugs, "Yeah, sometimes. If I see something I know he'll like, or makes me think of him. Not necessarily anything extravagant, cute stuff mostly." 

"Hm," I say as I nod, "Okay, I didn't realize that was like a thing." 

"How could you not realize that?" He chuckles. 

"I've never been in a relationship before," I say as I glance down at my hands, "At least not a real one. Definitely never one where I've wanted to give them presents.. Or, I guess, maybe more in the sense that they never wanted to give me presents. So I wouldn't get them stuff, even if I wanted to, because it might have crossed a boundary.. I've only ever really dated casually, apart from having 'boyfriends' in high school, but those don't really count." 

"No, they don't," Pierre says as he smiles, "But Chris is a real boyfriend. And I'm sure if you gave him a present, he would just be happy. And not weirded out. If that's where your mind was going." 

The Stranger / Chris Evans x OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora