Chapter 25: Seeking the Truth

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"You know damn well why!" I quickly exclaim, looking back at him, "You lied to me and you're still keeping secrets! I understand why you think I should just forgive you, give in to this fucking fantasy because you are who you are, but I won't. You won't even answer my questions!" 

I shake my head incredulously and he smiles softly as he looks at me. 

That's even more infuriating. 

I quickly exclaim, "Why are you smiling?! You having a good time right now? Because I'm definitely not!" 

"No," he says with a soft chuckle, "No I just.. That's the exact reason why I like you." 

"What is?" I ask, glaring at him. 

"The fact that you don't like me or won't give in because I am who I am. Normally this shit is so easy for me, and I'm not going to lie, this probably would have blown over much quicker had it been anyone else. And the fact that it won't with you just confirms everything I thought already.." 

He trails off as he looks down at his hands, a small smile still on his face, and I want to punch him for it. 

He likes me because I won't fall for his lies? What kind of fucking game is he playing?! 

"Chris," I say sternly, "I am at my wits end right now. I don't want to be here, I think I've made that very clear. So if you don't answer my questions I will be leaving. Your next sentence will determine the outcome of this unnecessary talk."

He suddenly looks up at me, wide eyed, "You think it's unnecessary?" 

"Okay, that's it," I say as I start to get up from the couch, "I'm leaving." 

Before I even make it off the couch he grabs my arm, "No! No, please. I'm sorry. I'll answer whatever you want." 

I keep the same stern look on my face as I sit back down, "Alright. I want honest answers, then. No bullshit." 

He nods quickly. 

I narrow my eyes at him as I speak, "What were you talking about, before? What's that about the shelter?" 

Chris releases a heavy sigh as his hand leaves my arm and his eyes dart to the ground. 

When he speaks, he's mumbling so quietly that I barely hear it, "I was the anonymous donor. I was the one who saved the shelter.." 

My eyes widen as I look at him, my mouth gaping slightly as I process the information. 

"What?!" I exclaim, "What the fuck?!"

He speaks quickly as he looks up at me, "I heard how heartbroken you were and it's not like it was a cause that was far from my heart, anyway. They needed money and I had that. I just wanted to help.." 

He shrugs slightly before his eyes dart to his hands, now fiddling in his lap. 

He donated the money? 

But he didn't even get credit for it? Why would he do that?

"But... That money was donated anonymously.." I quietly say as I look at him. 

That makes his eyes meet mine, "Yeah. So?" 

"Why.." I furrow my brows as I look at him, "Why would you donate something without being able to take credit?" 

That makes him frown as he holds my gaze, "I just told you. I did it for you. And also for the dogs. I got my dog from a shelter, I care a lot about those places. I did it to help you out, to make you happy, but I also did it for myself. Credit means nothing to me." 

I lean back on the couch, stunned. 

I do remember that he has a dog he rescued from a shelter, now that he mentions it. Dodger. And I also remember him telling me excitedly about his dog, over the phone. 

I can't believe I didn't tie all of this shit together earlier. It seems so obvious now. 

His hobbies, his family, his interests. His political views. The stuff about his job being the reason why he cared so much about privacy. 

I'm clearly just an idiot. I should have figured this out the moment I first spoke to him on the phone. 

My voice waivers a little as I speak, but I do my best to not get emotional even though I know what that donation meant to those poor animals, "Okay.. And the flowers?"

"I sent you flowers," he says with a nonchalant shrug, "You deserved them. You'd just graduated Law School. That's a big deal." 

I feel even more stunned as I look at him. 

I remember a huge bouquet of red roses being sent to me without a card. My mind wandered for a second, made me think they could be from MysteryMan, but I also knew he didn't know my address, so I quickly shrugged it off. 

But now I understand. 

Chris got my address from Taylor. 

"Taylor told you were I live?" I blurt out, mid-thought, making Chris nod hesitantly. 

"Yeah.. I knew you were graduating and I knew he couldn't be there. Wanted to make sure you knew how amazing that was, even if you didn't know it was me." 

I blink a few times as all of this information slowly sinks in. 

He saved the shelter. He sent the roses. 

He was the reason why this past month has been bearable despite missing my best friend and going through finals and the bar exam. 

He did that. All of it. 

And now he's sitting in front of me, begging me to give him a chance. 

"Chris.." I whisper as I look at him. 

"Yeah?" he asks, scanning my face. 

"You did all of that.. for me?" 

That means something. All of it means so much. Even if he actually had an assistant do it, the effort counts. And I realize now that he wouldn't do that for just anyone. 

"Yeah, of course I did.. Why wouldn't I? I told you, I care about you. It's real.." he replies hesitantly as he watches me. 

I feel choked up, my heart beating out of my chest as I look at him.

He looks so sweet and genuine, sitting there in front of me. 

Knowing that he saved the shelter for me, knowing that he sent me roses because he was proud.

I can't ignore that. And I can't ignore how it makes me feel.

"Chris," I whisper again as I move closer to him. 

He looks at me quizzically, surprised when I move closer. 

I cup his cheek with one hand before I whisper, "Please kiss me. Right now." 


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