Chapter 28: Snooping

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When I wake up the next morning I feel nervous and a bit anxious. 

I'm going back to the set today because Taylor has a huge scene that he's really been looking forward to, and he wants Pierre and I to be there. 

That's not in itself a problem. I'm definitely looking forward to watching him in the scene, I'm very happy that I'm able to support him though all of this. 

The problem is who he's in the scene with, playing opposite of. 

I close my eyes when I feel the butterflies tumbling around again. 

I know I'm going to be so fucking nervous when I see Chris. 

I don't have any expectations - we only talked a little about how this was going to work, yesterday, but all we agreed upon for now was that we should try and keep it private. I know that was for his sake but he insisted it was also for mine. 

We didn't talk about what was going on between us in depth, and we definitely didn't put any labels or expectations on the table. It's too soon for that. 

And I don't expect anything to happen, I just expect him to be friendly as usual. Nothing more than that, at least not in public. 

Him asking to keep it private also makes a lot of sense - as I'm already well aware, he is a very private person. And that's only amplified when it comes to any romantic partners, as far as I know. I don't think he's even been in many relationships, publicly. 

There's an easy way to find out, Amelia. 

I only think about it for a second before I type the words into google. 

As soon as I do, a million articles pop up. Timelines over his past relationships, articles regarding women he allegedly dated. But only two relationships were actually serious, were confirmed by himself, as far as I can tell. 

I know one of them because that relationship was a long time ago and they were already broken up by the time he made The First Avenger. And my infatuation with him started back then. 

But it did fade once I got older and got into law school which means I am less familiar with the other one. 

I click on an article because the title is intriguing. And once I read it, I feel an anxious knot forming in my stomach. 

According to this article, their relationship was amazing and beautiful and they only had kind words for each other. So it doesn't even make sense why they would breakup. 

When I google again, specifying it a bit more, I find another article. And this one has a very different story to tell. 

Apparently part of the reason they broke up was because his level of fame was too much. She couldn't live the semi-normal life she was used to. And the fans were too much. They were judging them, her, being rude and mean on social media. And she even stated that she kept having awkward interactions with them in real life, and that it was very difficult. 

The knot in my stomach tightens and it makes me feel even more anxious. As I'm reading the article I see a quote from Chris and that's when it dawns on me. 

You are being so fucking inappropriate right now. You should have just asked him, you're snooping right now and it's not okay. 


I close the article, taking a deep breath to calm myself. I look up at the ceiling and my mind is running a mile a minute. 

I don't want anything like that to mess this up. 

Which means that we have to try and keep this out of the public eye as much as we can, at least until we both know what's even going on between us. 

But I doubt he would mind. He is the one who has an image to protect, after all. I'm just a nobody who apparently caught his attention. 



I take a shower and slowly get ready for the day, my entire body on edge with nerves as I try to pick out something to wear. 

I don't even hear the knock on my door because I'm in my head, not realizing someone is waiting for me to open it before I hear, "Wake up sleepyhead!"

It brings me out of my haze and I shuffle to the door, opening it widely before turning back towards my closet, "Hey, I'm just trying to decide on what to wear. Sorry." 

I don't see the glances Pierre and Taylor exchange with each other as I walk back into the bedroom but the silence is deafening. 

"Come help me," I yell as I look over my options, "I have no idea what's appropriate for this sort of thing." 

They both walk into my bedroom and Pierre sits down on my bed as Taylor hands me a Starbucks coffee with furrowed brows. 

I furrow mine as well, looking at him, "What?" 

"Are you not even gonna tell us about yesterday, oooor...?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously. 

I shrug, "No, wasn't planning on it." 

I take a sip of my coffee as I turn back to my closet. 

"Amelia!" Pierre exclaims, "Come on! Spill!" 

I shake my head with my back turned to them, "There's nothing to spill." 

Taylor snorts, "Thats clearly a lie. Because if there really was nothing to spill, you would be on a plane, going back home right now."

I scoff as I look at him over my shoulder, "Maybe we just talked and decided to try and be friends?" 

This time, Pierre snorts, "Stop bullshitting us." 

"I have to find something to wear.." I mumble absentmindedly as I turn back to my closet, looking through my options. 

Pierre whines, "Come on! This is the most exciting thing to happen in like.. ever!" 

"Hey," Taylor says as he turns to him, "I'm in a fucking Marvel movie!"

"This is more exciting. Sorry, T," Pierre says before speaking to me, "Ames, I'll help you pick something to wear if you tell us." 

I sigh and turn towards him, looking at him for a moment before giving up, "Fine." I gesture towards my closet and he quickly gets up, looking through it. 

"So? Spill!" he says as he pulls out different options for me. 

"We uh.. We talked. We're good." I reply hesitantly. 

"That's it?" Pierre ask, his tone deflated, "Really? Nothing else?" 

"No..." I say, trying to keep my tone as neutral as possible. 

Taylor narrows his eyes at me, "You're a terrible liar." 

"Not true," I retort, "I'm a lawyer which means I'm pretty good at it." 

"Not right now," he states, "You're lying right now and it's so fucking obvious." 

I groan, "Fine! We kissed, alright? We made out!" 

Pierre gasps dramatically and Taylor cocks a brow, taking a sip of his coffee as he mutters, "Knew it." 

"What does it mean?!" Pierre asks excitedly as he looks at me. 

"Doesn't mean anything," I quickly say, "We haven't talked about it yet. Just means we made out. Okay? So don't make it a big deal."

"Oh, it is such a big deal!" Pierre chirps as he finds a pair of jeans to go with the top he picked out, "It's a huge deal!" 

"It's really not," I say as my cheeks flush a little, "So please don't make it one. And don't be awkward today. Please, I'm begging you." 


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