Chapter 142: Bonding Time

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When I wake up the next morning the first thing I feel is confused. 

The figure lying next to me seems smaller than usual, feels different. It's also in the wrong spot compared to where Chris normally sleeps next to me. 

I blink, taking a moment for my eyes to focus before I turn on my side to face my new cuddle partner. 

"Hey buddy," I yawn, smiling as I reach out to scratch behind his ear, "Good morning." 

Dodger leans into my touch, facing me as he lies in bed, a series of small thumping sounds echoing through the room when his tail starts wagging. 

"You're so cute," I whisper with a tired chuckle, shuffling a little closer so I can pet him properly, "And you didn't kick me out today. That's progress." 

Dodger leans in, a long wet tongue swiping up my cheek as his tail continues to drum on the bed. 

I chuckle again, scratching the top of his head before my fingers move down the length of his body, petting him. His fur is soft against my palm and between my fingers as I pet and scratch him. 

"Where's your dad, hm?" I ask with a smile, Dodgers brown eyes practically boring into me, "Where'd he go?" 

Dodger doesn't respond, obviously, but he does place another wet kiss right in my face, making me chuckle again. 

"Okay, got it. At work. Guess it's just and me, then. What do you want to do, bud?" 



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I took Dodger for a long walk through the area. We found a dog park not too far from the hotel - but still a 15 minute walk at least - where he got to run around and play with the other dogs there. 

The park wasn't too full, it was still pretty early in the morning, but I could tell Dodger definitely appreciated it. Chris is right, being cooped up in a hotel room all day is not ideal for him, at all. I'm surprised he didn't bring him on set, but I assume he did that on purpose. 

To give us some proper bonding time. 

I snap a video of Dodger running around with a golden retriever and send it off to Chris as I sit on a bench in the dog park. 

Christopher That's cute! He's not always up for making new friends

Amelia I guess he likes Goldens

Christopher Who doesn't? 

Christopher How'd you sleep baby? Sorry I had to leave before you woke up, had an early call 

Amelia Slept good, and Dodger made up for you leaving me. He was lying almost as close to me as you usually do 

Christopher Haha, I saw. Nice of him to let you stay 

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