Chapter 8: Falling

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I wake up early for the third time this week. I'm shooting scenes today with Chris and Robert.

I rush out of my hotel room to head to the lot. 

I shoot Ames and Pierre a text on our group chat.

@Tay Miss you guys! Off to work. Daily grind

As I arrive on set I go straight to costume and makeup and find Robert and Chris already sitting in their chairs. They're talking casually amongst themselves and Robert greets me as I walk in.

"There's our newest star of the show. Heard you've been doing good, kid. Well done. Evans, time to give up the crown."

I grin at Robert and Chris chuckles, "Yeah, thanks Downey. Not ready to hang the shield up just yet, though."

I place myself next to Robert who is sitting next to Chris. They're both on their phone as the makeup artist comes up to me and explains what we're doing. I will be getting hurt in this scene so they need to do some more extensive stuff today.

Robert puts down his phone, "So, how does it feel? How are you doing?"

I meet his eyes in the large mirror in front of us, "It feels really great. I'm doing well. Thank you guys for making this whole situation seem more normal than I thought it would be."

He smiles back at me, "No problem. The crazy part starts after filming, anyway. Once the movie comes out. Brace yourself."

"Yeah," I say, "I actually spoke to Evans about it after my first day. What to expect and all that." I glance at Chris but he's completely absorbed by his phone screen.

Robert turns to look at him as well and upon realizing the lack of response, he snaps his fingers in his face, "Hey, earth to Evans! Wake up!"

Chris jolts up as he reacts and looks around startled, finally breaking eye contact with his phone.

"What?" He asks, slightly annoyed.

"The kid was telling me about how you guys talked and you're completely zoned out, man. Everything alright?" Robert looks at Chris with a frown for a second and glances down at the phone in Chris' hand.

"Yeah, yeah, all good," Chris says as he places the phone in his pocket. "Sorry. What were you saying Taylor?"

"I was just telling Robert about our talk after my first day and how much I appreciated it." I say with a smile, feeling a bit awkward at this point.

Luckily, Chris gives me a wide smile before he says, "Yeah, no problem. You fit in perfectly. Sorry for not paying attention."

Robert pats him on the shoulder and sends him a smile before taking a sip of his coffee. 



2 weeks have passed since my first phone call with the stranger and we have talked every single day since.

During the day I often find my thoughts wandering as I think about him. And it's only amplified by the texts I receive throughout the day. 

Hope you're having a good day. 

Thinking about you. 

Something hilarious just happened, I'll tell you about it later, you'll fucking love it. 

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