Chapter 61: Budding Romance

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*A/N: All mood boards were created using pictures from Atlanta Botanical Garden's instagram. I wanted to set the scene a little, and I thought it would be most realistic with actual pictures from the place. Obviously my descriptions won't completely match the actual outline of the gardens, but I still wanted to express a certain vibe. I have mood boards for the different chapters for the date so I hope you like them!*

 I have mood boards for the different chapters for the date so I hope you like them!*

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Chris and I walk behind Tamara as she guides us through the large garden, explaining the different flowers and what their significance is. 

Its midday which means the sun is high in the sky, beating down on us and increasing the Atlanta heat, but it also makes the flowers look beautiful in the natural light. 

There are all different types of flowers, and they are separated in different areas, some has small ponds by them, others have sculptures or structures. 

The smell in the air is also quite powerful and fragrant, a sweet flowery scent enveloping the place. 

They have a giant section with orchids in all sizes and colors, and as soon as we make our way over there, I start exploring them more. 

I've always loved orchids, they're so beautiful and interesting to look at, but in general I just really love looking at flowers. I like that they have a cycle in their lives, that they grow and bloom and then eventually fade, only to do it all over again the next year. 

It's fascinating and intriguing, and they remind me of people in a way. Just like these flowers, we have periods where we bloom and flourish, and then sometimes we will fade away. But one thing is certain, and that is that no matter how much we fade, come spring time, we're back to blooming and flourishing again. 

I don't entirely notice that I've wandered off on my own, too caught up in looking at the orchids, but I realize that I'm a little further away than I intended, when I hear Tamara giggle again. 

I glance over my shoulder and spot her and Chris standing a little away. He's standing with his legs slightly apart and his hands in his pockets. He looks fucking delicious, wearing a purple v-neck t-shirt and jeans, his hair slicked back loosely. I can see his chest tattoo peeking out from the shirt and it makes me want to trail his skin with my tongue. 

But apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that. Because Tamara is practically drooling over him as she stands close by, all of her attention on him. She's looking up at him as she speaks, a flirty smile on her lips, but his eyes are glued to me. 

I smile at him and he reciprocates, a soft smile building on his lips. Then Tamara says something else as her smirk widens, perhaps expecting a mirroring reaction out of Chris, but whatever she said to him, he clearly didn't like it. 

Because her words make him break eye contact with me and glance in her direction as his brows furrow. He replies something that I can't hear, but I can tell by the stern look on his face that he isn't amused, and I can also tell that his reply makes her very nervous. 

Her cheeks flush a bright red and she takes a step back, diverting her gaze from him. His eyes find their way back to me, and he smiles again before he starts walking towards me. 

I turn my attention back to the orchids, pretending not to have noticed the exchange that just occurred between them as he walks closer. I'm looking at a beautiful blue orchid with red accents in the middle when I feel him walk up behind me. 

His arms wrap around my waist as he presses himself against me, tucking his face into my neck.

He hums in my ear, whispering, "How do you like the flowers, baby?" 

"I love them," I reply with a wide smile, "They're so beautiful." 

"They're nice, I guess," he mumbles as his hands slide around my waist, holding me tight against him. I can feel his broad chest against my back and his familiar scent envelops me, the smell intoxicating when mixed with the fragrant smell of the flowers. 

I huff in response, "Nice? How can you say they're nice? They're gorgeous!" 

"I've seen more beautiful things," he whispers, his beard scratching against my cheek as he places a kiss there, "In fact, I have my arms wrapped around one of them right now." 

I smile shyly at his words, feeling my cheeks heating up a little as his fingers caress my waist. He nuzzles his face back into my neck before he mumbles against my skin, "Please don't leave me alone with her again." 

I chuckle at his words, my hands finding his forearms as they're wrapped around my waist, and I let my fingertips trail up and down them lightly as I speak, "Why, what happened?"

"She tried to hit on me," he grumbles, squeezing me tighter, "She offered me her number. When I said no thanks, she said she couldn't possibly believe Captain America was off the market. That I couldn't possibly want to be with just one woman, that it would be a shame." 

"That bitch," I mutter as I glance towards her. She's standing off to the side, not looking at us but instead looking at her map of the garden, and I can feel my blood boiling just by the sight of her. 

I lean into Chris' arms more as I take a deep breath to calm myself down, my cheek rubbing against his face a little as I tilt it in his direction. "I hope you told her to go fuck herself," I whisper as my fingers move over his arm soothingly. 

"I did," he mumbles against my skin, "She didn't like it very much." 

"Well, she deserved it," I state as I straighten myself. I slowly turn around in his arms, giving him time to move out of the crook of my neck, and once I'm facing him, I cup his face with both hands. 

"I love you," I say as I look up at him, "You're the man of my dreams. Fuck her and fuck everyone else. There's no ones arms I would rather be in." 

He smiles softly, his hand cupping one of my own on his cheek as he replies, "I love you more than you know, Amelia. More than anything. You're the best thing to ever happen to me." 

He leans down and kisses me softly and my lips meet his eagerly. My hands slide through his hair, pulling him closer to me as my lips explore his. 

Fuck everyone else. This is the only thing that matters. 


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