Chapter 82: Parent Trap

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I smile at my parents as they walk up to me, my nerves bubbling up inside me.  

I've never brought a boyfriend home before and I have no idea how they're going to react. 

When my mother turns her sights to Chris, my dad follows, and as they both look at him I take a deep breath before I speak. 

"Mom, dad," I say as I gesture to Chris, "This is Chris. My boyfriend." Then I look at Chris, "Chris, meet my parents, George and Elizabeth." 

My dad's brows raise in surprise and my mom's eyes widen slightly. 

"Boyfriend?" My dad asks as he looks at me, "Since when do you have a boyfriend?"

"We've been dating for a few months," I reply with a smile, glancing at Chris.

He's smiling politely at them but I can tell he's getting slightly nervous under my fathers piercing gaze. 

"And you didn't tell us?" My mom asks, walking closer. 

"No, well, I was planning to, but then Chris surprised me by coming to visit this weekend, so we figured it might just be better to let him meet you." 

My mom pulls me in for a hug as my dad stands back, watching Chris carefully. 

Once my mom pulls away, she turns to Chris with a chuckle as she looks up at him, "Wow, you're tall." 

Chris chuckles as well, nodding as he says, "Yes I am. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Jacobs." 

"Oh please, call me Elizabeth," my mom says with a smile, and right as Chris extends his hand out for her to shake, she makes a dismissing motion with her hand as she says, "No no, I'm a hugger, darling." 

She pulls him in for a hug and he smiles as he bends down slightly to hug her back, "That's great because so am I." 

My mom moves back as she eyes him for a moment before she says, "He's very handsome, Ames. Good job." 

I laugh and shake my head, "Oh god mom, please don't embarrass me." 

My mother smiles brightly at Chris as she says, "She can be a handful but I'm guessing you must like that about her or you wouldn't be here." 

Chris laughs and nods, "Definitely. But I know how to handle her, for the most part. She's amazing."

He smiles softly at me as he puts an arm around my waist, and I blush at his words, smiling up at him lovingly. 

But then we both turn back towards my parents and are met with the hard stare of my father. 

"Chris?" He asks, extending his hand out to him, "What's that short for? Christian?" 

"Oh, no sir," Chris says, shaking his hand politely, "Actually it's short for Christopher." 

My dad nods, releasing his hold on Chris' hand as he looks him up and down, "Ames has never brought a boyfriend home before. It's nice to meet you, I'm George." 

"Nice to meet you too, sir," Chris says with a polite smile, "And I'm honored to be the first one who gets to meet you. Hopefully I'll also be the last." 

My fathers brow raise in surprise, giving Chris an appreciative nod as he says, "Noted. We'll see how it goes today." 

I roll my eyes with a chuckle as I walk up to my dad, pulling him in for a hug as I whisper, "Be nice, please. I like him." 

He kisses my cheek as he says, "I'll be nice. Just need to test him out a bit, yeah?"

"Fine," I say with a smile, "I knew you would give him a hard time, I've prepared him." 

My dad quirks a brow at Chris as I step back, "That true? She warn you about me?" 

Chris laughs awkwardly as he says, "Uhh, well, kind of? She said you'd never met a boyfriend before so I had an idea you'd be sceptical about me." 

My dad nods and hums, picking up his beer from the table next to us, taking a sip before he says, "Well, so far so good, son. You can relax." 

Chris lets out a sigh of relief and I laugh, "Oh god, look what you did! He's going to get high blood pressure just from this one party alone!" 

My dad laughs, a deep hearty sound, as he pats Chris' shoulder, "Nah, he'll be alright. Looks to be in good form." 

"Thank you, sir" Chris replies with a smile, his nervous form relaxing a little more. 

"Lets get you two a drink and we can get to know each other better, what do you say, Chris?" My father asks. 

"Sure, that sounds great," Chris replies with a nod and then my dad walks off to grab a beer for each of us. 

"Don't worry about him," my mom says with a smile, "He's just putting up a tough front. The military will do that to you." 

Chris looks at me in surprise as he asks, "Your father was in the military?" 

"Yeah, he's a veteran," I reply with a shrug. 

"What did he do?"

"He was a General," my mother quickly says, "Served in the army up until his retirement two years ago." 

Chris' brows furrow as he looks at my mom, "Oh.. And he's a vet?"

My mom nods, "Yes, he served in Vietnam and two tours in Iraq before his age started getting in the way." 

I'm watching Chris' face curiously as he processes the information. 

I can see the gears turning inside that beautiful head of his, and after a moment, he releases a heavy sigh before mumbling under his breath, "Shit, that just made him even more intimidating." 

I laugh and shake my head, "No it didn't, he's still just my dad. Relax."

I take his hand in mine, placing a few kisses on his knuckles as I smile up at him. 

He meets my eyes and the action makes his lips slowly lift up in a small smile, nodding. 

"Okay, yes, he's just your dad. It's just, I did a lot of research for work, you know? I have a lot of respect for anyone who served in the military." 

"I know baby," I say as I lean up on my tiptoes, kissing his cheek, "But it's really okay." 

"You did research for work?" My mom suddenly chirps, and I quickly turn to look at her, "Interesting, what do you do for a living?" 

I can feel myself tensing up slightly, preparing mentally for having to explain this entire situation to them. 

But right as Chris opens his mouth to answer, my dad walks back out with the beers, "Let's take a seat over here while the food is prepared." 


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