Chapter 115: Jealousy

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I stay back when Ames and Pierre move to the dance floor, plopping myself down on the couch next to Taylor as I take a swig of my beer. 

"Hey man," I say, smiling at him, "What's up? Not in the mood for dancing?" 

Taylor chuckles, "Nah, I'm not much of a dancer. Usually I have to be wasted to want to do it." 

I chuckle, patting his shoulder, "Fair enough." I jerk my chin towards the dance floor as I speak, "Does that mean those two always end up dancing together?" 

"Yes," he grumbles before taking a sip of his drink, "If we go out just the three of us, I always end up sitting around while they dance all night long. That's why I usually prefer going in a larger group." 

I chuckle again as I drink my beer, "That makes sense. But it must be nice they're so close, huh?" 

"Sure," Taylor says with a smile, "It's great, actually. But they also get up to some crazy shit when they get wasted." 

"Oh, trust me, I know," I snort, cocking a brow, "I remember the last time we all went out."

Taylor laughs loudly, shaking his head, "Yeah, that was not cute." 

"I don't know about that," I say with a smile, "I still found her pretty adorable." 

He rolls his eyes, snickering, "You're so fucking whipped, man."

I chuckle, finishing off my beer before I smirk, "Amelia says I'm a simp."

Taylor immediately bursts out laughing, nodding as he grabs my shoulder, "You so fucking are, dude! She's right!" 

He keeps laughing, taking another sip of his drink to calm down, and I chuckle as my eyes move over the VIP area. 

Tonight is pretty tame compared to last time, a lot of us are tired from filming, and the ones who aren't probably have stuff they need to do in the morning. Most of them have kids, anyway. 

Scarlett and Robert are in deep conversation as they lean against the bar, while Seb, Paul and Mark are sitting at another set of couches, talking casually. 

When Lizzie comes over to sit next to Taylor, asking him a question and pulling him out of our conversation, I figure I might as well go check on how Amelia is doing. I get up from the couch to grab another beer at the bar before I walk over to the balcony edge, bracing my hands on the brick railing as I look down at the dance floor below us. 

As soon as I do, a few people notice, pointing up at me and waving. I smile politely, giving a short wave back before taking a swig of my beer, my eyes scanning the dance floor. 

I quickly spot Ames and Pierre on the floor, grinding up against each other like they're in fucking heat. I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement as I watch them. If I didn't know Pierre was gay, and dating Taylor, my blood would probably be boiling right now. 

But I also know she wouldn't do that with anyone other than Pierre, she would never dance like that with anyone else. Well, except for me, I suppose. 

Maybe I should go back down there, show her that Pierre isn't the only one she should be grinding up against..

My mind wanders for a second when I think about her ass pressing into me, how good it would feel to grip her hips and hold her close, and once it snaps back to reality, I quickly realize that Pierre and Ames are no longer in their former spot on the dance floor. 

My eyes search for them, scanning the large crowd on the dance floor, my brows furrowing when I don't instantly spot them. 

But then my eyes catch a gleam of red when the strobe light hits it, immediately guiding me towards Ames as she stands behind Pierre at the bar, waiting for drinks. 

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