Chapter 129: Ready

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"What?!" Chris exclaims, clearly just a surprised as I am, "Scott, what do you mean Ma is on her way up?!"

Scott chuckles, "Exactly what I said. She's checking in right now, she's coming up in a few minutes. Why, what's the problem?"

As soon as I hear Scott's words I scramble off the bed, getting tangled in the sheets. I land harshly on the ground with a loud thump, half of my naked body covered in our filthy, dirty sex sheets. 

Just as I'm about to get up, I hear the quick patter of paws running into the room, and I watch with wide eyes as Dodger comes into view. He sizes me up for a second, tail slowly moving from side to side, until I offer him a smile, pulling the sheet up to cover me more. 

Then he pounces on me, just like his dad did about ten minutes ago. 

Dodger jumps me as I sit on the floor, still tangled in the sheets, placing wet kisses all over my face. I giggle at the tickling feeling, my nails scratching his body as he wiggles in my hold. 

"Hi Dodger," I say between giggles, "Nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you." 

He attacks me more, jumping up so I land on my back on the floor, making me laugh louder, "Hey dude, not fair!" 

Dodger is keeping me occupied so I don't hear the approaching footsteps until I spot a figure in the doorway. Chris watches us from the threshold, his chest exposed and his sweats hanging low on his hips. 

He smiles widely at me when we make eye contact, but then he notices my distress. "Hey, Dodge," he whistles, making the dog pull off me, "Give her a breather, she's my girlfriend, not yours. Chill with the make out session." 

I chuckle as I wipe the back of my hand over my cheek, trying to dry off some of the wet kisses I was just given. 

Dodger happily trots over to Chris, sitting down in front of him expectantly. "Good boy," Chris says, scratching the top of his head, "Now stay put for a sec."

Chris looks back at me as I sit up, clutching the sheets to my naked chest, "Okay, so, uh, Scott just told me-"

"I heard," I interrupt, glancing around the room, "You're going to need to give me a few minutes to get myself in order if I'm going to meet your mom." 

Chris' brows raise in surprise, "You.. You're okay with it? You want to meet her?"

I frown, "Yeah, of course. But I'd like to be dressed when I do." 

He snorts and nods, "Yeah, okay, fair point. Alright, then I'll just-"


My eyes dart over to the other figure that's suddenly appeared in the doorway. Scott is smiling at me from ear to ear, although his features falter a little in surprise when he notices my current state. 

My cheeks immediately heat up, making me clear my throat, "Hi, I'm uh-" 

"Amelia!" Scott exclaims happily, "I know, trust me. Did I.. Walk in on something?"

Scott glances between Chris and I, making me groan and cover my face with one hand as the other stays wrapped in the sheet, clutched to my chest. When I look back up, Chris is scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly, "Yeah, uh, Ames is probably gonna need a few minutes, so I need your help distracting Ma." 

"Got it," Scott immediately responds before he turns around to go back into the living room. But then he stops and looks back at me, grinning, "It's great to finally meet you." 

"You too," I chuckle, shaking my head at this entire situation. Scott walks back into the living room, calling Dodger with him, and I smile softly as my eyes meet Chris'. 

He walks over, holding a hand out for me to help me get up, which I take. He pulls me into his chest, placing a quick kiss on top of my head as he mumbles, "Let's get you cleaned up, hm?" 

"Yes please," I whisper, letting him guide me into the bathroom, the sheets still wrapped around me, "I don't really feel comfortable meeting your mom while your cum is still leaking out of me." 

Chris laughs, turning on the water in the shower, "I'm so sorry bug, I didn't know they were coming." He gives me a sincere smile, which I reciprocate, "It's alright, baby. I'll be ready in a few minutes."

Chris nods slowly, "Yeah, but.. Are you okay with it? Last time we spoke about it, you-"

"I'm ready," I interrupt, smiling softly, "I'm ready to meet your mom and I want to meet your family. I just want to be clean while I do it." 

"Yeah?" He grins, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "You sure?"



Chris and I shower quickly, both hyper aware of his mom and brother probably waiting right outside the door. I get ready in record time, only putting on light makeup and drying my hair halfway before I start getting dressed. 

Chris finishes up faster than I do, for obvious reasons, which is why he's currently sitting on the edge of the bed in a pair of black jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. 

He's fiddling with his thumbs, eyes locked on me as I sift through my clothes to find something to wear. 

"It should just be casual, right?" I ask as I rummage through my suitcase, "Like, jeans and a t-shirt will be okay?" 

I sift through my clothes as I wait for a reply but when a few seconds pass in silence, I look at Chris over my shoulder. 

"Babe? You good?" 

Chris' eyes find mine as he anxiously fiddle with his thumbs, nodding once, "Yeah, uh-huh. All good.." 

I furrow my brows as I stand up, walking over to him even though I'm only dressed in a bra and panties. I stand in front of where he sits, and he immediately spreads his thighs to allow me to stand between them, his warm hands landing on the back of my thighs. 

"What's going on?" I ask, resting my hands on his shoulders, "You okay?" 

Chris tilts his head backwards to look up at me, his eyes searching mine, "I just.. I don't like the fact that you're being forced into this. I feel like you're only doing it because you kinda have too.." 

"What?" I frown, my eyes trailing over his face, "What do you mean? Of course I want to." 

"You didn't before," he sighs, shaking his head as he looks away, "You said you weren't ready and I completely understood but now it's being sprung on you like this and of course you can't say no. I just, I don't like the thought that it's like this, or that you're just doing it because you have to." 

"Chris," I whisper quietly, cupping his cheeks to guide his face back up to mine, "I want to. Really. I know we haven't talked about it yet but I assumed that was because you're still filming. I've been ready to meet your family since we went public. I want to meet them, get to know them. They're such a huge part of you and you guys are so close, I want to know you like that. And I want them to like me.." 

Chris smiles softly, leaning into my touch, "You're not just saying that because you think it's what I want to hear?" 

I chuckle, shaking my head, "No baby, I'm not. It's how I really feel. I promise. I'm ready to do this. And I'm pretty excited to meet your mom, if I'm being honest. I know how close you two are." 

His hands slide up the back of my thighs to my hips, eyes locked on mine intensely, "She's going to fucking adore you." 


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