Chapter 29: Hesitation

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Once I get dressed I grab my stuff, taking my phone out of the charger to put it in my bag. 

That's when I notice a pending message. I must not have heard the notification because I was busy getting ready. 

I open the message and suddenly the butterflies are back, tumbling wildly around my stomach. 

Christopher Good morning beautiful. When are you going to the lot?

I smile widely, feeling a little giddy as I write out my response. 

Amelia We're leaving in a few minutes. Just finished getting ready

Amelia Oh, and good morning handsome ;) Hope you slept well

Christopher I did. Had a very nice dream

Amelia Yeah? About what?

Christopher You

His response makes me giggle like a fucking schoolgirl, and it draws the attention of Taylor and Pierre as they grab their things. 

I hear Taylor whispering, "100 bucks it's him texting her right now," and then I hear Pierre reply, "I'm not taking that bet because I know it's true."

I glare at them, "Mind ya business." 

Amelia Seems we had similar dreams, then

His response comes within a few seconds. 

Christopher Good to know ;) 

Christopher So you're leaving in a few minutes?

Amelia Yeah, grabbing my stuff now. Will I see you there?

I take my bag and I frown a little when a minute passes by without a response. 

"Let's go, I can't be late," Taylor says as he hurries me towards the door. 

I keep my gaze on my phone as I await a response from Chris, Pierre opening the door as him and Taylor walk out into the hallway before I follow them. 

I double check that I have my keycard as I let the door shut behind me. 

"Okay, let's go," I murmur as I put my phone in my bag. I turn towards them, expecting them to walk towards the elevator but when I look up at them they're both just staring at me. 

Pierre is smiling widely and Taylor is smirking. 

"What?" I ask as I look between the two of them.

I hear a throat clearing behind me and the sound is familiar, making a shiver run down my spine. 

I turn around slowly, looking up at the man towering over me. 

"Hi," I say quietly. 

"Hi," Chris says with a smile. "Got your text. Figured we could walk together." 

That makes me blush and I tug my hair behind my ear as I look down, "Yeah, sure.." 

Chris' hand lands on my arm, stroking it comfortingly before his gaze moves behind me. 

"Taylor. Pierre. Nice to see you again." 

"Hey Chris," Taylor says and Pierre giggles a little as he says, "Nice to see you too." 

"So?" Chris says, his head dipping down a little to make me look up at him, "You ready?" 

I smile shyly, my cheeks probably an entirely different shade than normal as I nod again, "Yeah, let's go.." 

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