Chapter 51: Speculating

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Turns out Chris was wrong this time. It didn't die down. 

Not even a little bit. 

The video circulated online for days, every gossip site picking it up and speculating. His social media also blew up, to the point where he just stopped posting or checking anything on Twitter or his official Instagram. 

Megan had told me that I should try and stay away from the set which meant that I was now confined to my room, most days. I could go out and walk around Atlanta with Taylor and Pierre, but given that Taylor was still shooting, and that Pierre wanted to be there with him, I ended up doing it alone for the most part. 

And although Atlanta is a beautiful city, it does become kind of boring on the third day of walking around alone with no particular purpose. 

I would still spend every night with Chris. Some days he would be done filming fairly early, and we would have dinner and watch a movie, talk or play board games together. One evening he also read aloud to me from a buddhist book he was reading. It didn't really matter what we did, because whatever it was, I would sit curled up in his lap and he would hold me close while we did it. 

Other days he would come back late. Sometimes even after I went to sleep, and I would have no idea of knowing what time he actually came back, because I would just wake up to him cuddled up against me in the morning. 

So that brings me here. My final week is almost over, I'm going back home in two days, and Chris has another late night filming. 

I'm sitting in my hotel room alone, trying to distract myself with a book, TV, anything really. Nothing does the trick. 

But when I get a notification on my phone, I quickly manage to find a distraction. 

I check my Instagram once the notification pops in and I'm surprised to see that it's a comment on one of my pictures. It's a picture of Taylor and I, taken on my birthday a few months ago.

When I click on it i notice that it's a comment of someone tagging someone else. But that's not really what makes my heartbeat pick up. What it says in the comment, is. 

@ CEvansFan1 This is who I was telling you about. Notice the hair? I feel like we've seen that before @DodgersMom

I feel my heart reach my throat as I read it over and over, slowly starting to panic. 

Shit. They've figured it out. How the hell did they figure it out?!

Then another notification pops up. When I check it, I see that it's the person who was tagged, responding. 

@ DodgersMom Nah. Couldn't be her. Could you honestly see Chris with someone like that? Lmao

I frown as I read the message, all feelings of panic immediately evaporating. 

How. Fucking. Rude

I'm almost about to respond when I catch myself doing it. I take a deep breath, screen shot the comments, and then I send it to Chris. 

He replies within a minute. 

Christopher What picture is this?

Amelia The one with Taylor and I from the beginning of May

Christopher I'll have Megan handle it. 

I purse my lips as I read his message and lean back on the couch. I'm just about to go back to re-read the comments when another message pops in. 

The Stranger / Chris Evans x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin