Chapter 5: The Stranger

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After I finish my call with Taylor I work some more before appearing in court.

It didn't go to plan. Not at all. We lost the case.

I go home to my empty apartment and have dinner. The entire time I feel like crying.

I called Taylor earlier with no answer, and I contemplate calling him again, because usually he is my shoulder to lean on, but I know he's busy right now and I don't want to be a downer.

After dinner I study for finals and at midnight I finally change into my PJ's and head to bed.

I'm scrolling through instagram when I get a notification. As I check I see a message from someone I don't know.

The profile has a weird name and no picture.

I open the message, expecting it to be a scam for some store or something, but the message just says, 'Hi. How are you?'

I look at the message and normally I wouldn't reply to these sort of things but today was a shit day for me and I am in desperate need of talking to someone.

So despite my better judgement, I decide to reply.

@AmeliaJ Hi. I'm honestly having a shitty day today so I'm really not in the mood for this. Who is this?

@81CRE Why was your day shitty?

@AmeliaJ Seriously dude? Who are you?

@81CRE A friend. If you let me. Why was your day shitty?

I sigh at the response. I don't really have anything to lose by talking to this stranger, do I?

@AmeliaJ Well, I lost a court case today that meant a lot to me and that I had worked really hard on. I have finals soon and I'm freaking out and also my best friend is across the country.

@81CRE Sorry to hear that. Wish I could do something to help.

Seriously, who is this person?

@AmeliaJ Yeah thanks. How was your day then?

@81CRE My day was pretty good, actually. Had some fun at work with some good people.

@AmeliaJ Well at least one of us did then. I'm glad you had a good day. What do you do for work?

When I don't get a response, but the message clearly says 'seen', I sigh and decide to go to sleep. 

Should have listened to my instincts, I guess. 



The next day I wake up to a missed call from Ames but I'm running late and don't have time to call her back. Today is my first day of filming.

I go to costume and makeup and sit down in a chair next to Evans.

"Hey man," he says, "How are you?"

"I'm great!" I reply, "So excited to finally be filming!"

"Yeah me too," he says as the stylist does his hair. "It'll be good to see our chemistry on screen."

"Oh yeah, for sure." The makeup lady comes up to me and says a bunch of stuff, and I just nod because I don't fully understand. 

After a second she starts working on my face and I just let her do whatever she wants, not asking any questions. Not just because I have no idea what she's actually going to do, but also because she seems a bit scary and I don't want to set her off. 

The Stranger / Chris Evans x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang