Chapter 24: Why Not?

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I hesitantly make my way down the hall toward Chris' room.

I don't really know why I'm doing it and I certainly don't have any idea of what I'm going to say. 

Taylor explained the situation more in-depth to me. Explained that he wasn't in on it like I thought, but that Chris had ultimately confessed to him what was going on. 

You know how much I love you, Ames. Do you really think I would have let you come out here if I didn't think he had good intentions? 

I couldn't argue with that reasoning. Taylor had always looked out for me, protected me and taken care of me. I may not know Chris, but I know Taylor. I know he would never do anything to hurt me. 

And I guess I do know Chris.. A little. Not in the same way as I know Taylor, which is why I still have my doubts about this whole situation, but I have to trust Taylor. I owe him that. 

I don't owe Chris the same, though. I don't have to go see him, or forgive him. And I'm not even sure if I want to, if I'm ready to. 

But I'm going there mainly because Taylor told me I should, for my own peace of mind at least. 

The least you can do is see him and listen to what he has to say. That's all I ask, Ames. Just give him a chance to explain. And if you still hate him after that you can leave and I'll get you a ticket out of here tomorrow. I promise.

Those are the words playing like a mantra in my mind as I walk down the corridor. That I can leave tomorrow. Which I will. 

Because I already know that it won't matter what he says once I see him. 

He still lied. He deceived me, manipulated Taylor into making me come here. 

He called me after spending the entire day with me as Chris and still kept up the charade. 

I can never forget or move past that. It doesn't matter what he says, I won't change my mind. 

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. 

I can feel myself already going back on my word, because as soon as I knock on the door and he opens it, his eyes looking hesitantly into mine, I know it's going to be hard to say no to him. 

Which is the exact reason you shouldn't be here right now, Amelia. Of course you can't say no. 

Chris doesn't say a word once he realizes it's me, he just gestures for me to come inside and I do so. 

He stands with his back to the door for a moment as he looks at me warily - it almost looks like he's about to run. Or that he's worried I will. 

I sigh before speaking, "I love Taylor. Even if he did lie to me. And I promised him that we'd talk. So here I am." 

I look up at Chris, meeting his eyes, and his are kind of red. He's either been crying or he's been smoking weed. 

Wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter. 

It makes me sigh again, shaking my head slightly as I mumble, "I don't even know why I'm here, really.." 

That makes him finally react and he takes a tentative step towards me before speaking quietly, "Hopefully you're here because you're going to let me explain.." 

I scoff, "Yeah, that's what Taylor wanted, but apparently I can't trust him anymore." 

I cross my arms over my chest as I look down at the ground, feeling beyond uncomfortable. 

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