Chapter 56: Expectations

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*You deserve another treat since we're still #1 in Romance! And on Valentines Day no less. Happy V-day! Hope you like spending it with these two lovebirds. PS they may or may not be going on a date soon (about time, lol). Love you all!*



When I wake up the next morning the first thing I feel is soft skin against mine. I flutter my eyes open and see familiar black letters written below a collarbone. 

I adjust myself slightly, and it's not until then I realize that I'm draped on top of Chris, my head resting on his chest with my legs on either side of him. 

I furrow my brows at the realization, I don't remember moving during my sleep. But when I feel a large warm palm resting on my back, and another on the back of my thigh, I figure that Chris probably doesn't mind. 

I hum softly as I rub my cheek against his skin, taking a deep breath before a smile creeps onto my face. I can feel the warmth of his hand on my back, my shirt must have either ridden up while I was sleeping or his hand just made it's way under it on purpose, but either way it feels nice and comforting. 

I move slightly upwards to nuzzle my face into his neck and I hear a low, tired chuckle when I do, nimble fingers running over my back, drawing invisible lines. 

"Morning baby," he says, his voice a low timber, still groggy from sleep. 

"Good morning," I reply sweetly as I place kisses on his neck, "I don't remember how I ended up here but I have to say, I don't really mind waking up this way."

He chuckles again and the hand on my back slides to the side of my waist, making his arm wrap around me more tightly, "That might have been my fault. I needed you closer, needed to feel you against me. Hope that's okay." 

I can feel my cheeks heating up at his words, the smile on my face widening as I nod, "Yeah, it's definitely okay.." 

I keep my face buried in the crook of his neck, placing lazy kisses once in a while as my hand moves up his chest on the opposite side. My fingers slowly explore his skin as I guide them upwards until I can feel his beard against my fingertips. 

I let them move up further, feeling the soft strands of his hair as they brush through it soothingly. I whisper quietly, "I love waking up with you. Gonna miss it.." 

Chris hums shortly, his arm wrapping around me tighter as the other hand slides up my thigh to my hip, "Me too.. I don't want to think about it too much." 

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to ignore the feeling in my stomach. That nagging feeling, the one thats been building up in the past few days because I know I'm going to have to leave him soon and it's going to hurt like hell. 

"Me neither.. But maybe we should talk about it. You know, expectations, what's going to happen and stuff.." 

The hand on my hip grips it more firmly as he says, "What do you mean, expectations?" 

"You know," I say as I start to feel slightly nervous, "Just.. I know your life is very different from mine. And if you don't want to be in a relationship now that we can't be around each other, thats... We should talk about that.." 

Chris stiffens underneath me and in one swift movement, his hand moves from my waist to the back of my neck. He gently guides me out of the crook of his neck, pulling me towards his face as he looks at me with furrowed brows.

"What are you talking about?" 

I scan his face and it makes me want to melt into a puddle. I shift a little where I'm sitting on top of him, moving myself back so I can look at him better before I say, "Chris, I realize things have moved really fast and that we've both gotten very caught up in this. But I'll be going back home tomorrow. And if that means this is over, or things have to change, I.." I swallow nervously as I dart my eyes down to his chest, too afraid of my emotions bubbling up if I keep eye contact any longer, "I'll just have to accept that."

The hand on my hip tightens its hold as the other one moves from the back of my neck to under my chin. His fingers tilt my head upwards, forcing me to look at him again as he says, "Absolutely not. Why would I want anything to change?" 

I dart my eyes back down again, trying to hold back the tears that are pricking at the back of them. I haven't told him about how my thoughts have been consumed with worries for the future this entire week. 

Part of me, the irrational side, even started to worry if perhaps this only developed between us because it was convenient. That he gets like this with everyone. And that as soon as I'm not around all the time anymore, it'll all fade away and he will forget about me. 

"Hey," Chris says softly, distracting me from my self destructive thoughts, "Amelia, look at me. Please." 

I look back up at him and his hand slides up over my jaw to cup my cheek, "I don't want anything to change. I want this, even if it's going to get a little more complicated once you go back home. Okay?" 

I smile softly at his words, nodding slowly as I look at him, "I do too, I just.. I'm worried." 

"Why?" He asks as his thumb caresses my cheek. 

"Because.. You're not just some guy that I met at, like, a coffee shop or something, who I can date casually. Your life, your job, it complicates everything, Chris.." 

He sighs, pulling my head down to rest on his chest as his fingers start running through my hair comfortingly, "I know. I know it does, and I know this is very new and strange to you. But Ames, my life also gives us a lot of options, allow us to be together more easily than other people, even if we don't live close to each other." 

"What do you mean?" I mumble, my fingers drawing out the shape of his chest tattoo as I listen. 

"I mean that we can visit each other. And we won't have to worry about the cost of it or anything like that. And my job takes up a lot of my time, yes. But only when I'm working. This job also gives me a lot of off time, for months at a time, if I want it." 

I furrow my brows, "But I don't want you to give up jobs or opportunities to see me." 

He chuckles softly, his fingers running over my scalp and it makes me hum, the frown on my face relaxing a little, "I won't. But I've already started the process of working less, taking more time off. I spent the past ten years working non-stop on these movies. Now I just want to take parts that I actually really want. And if that means I'll have more time to spend with you, that's just an added bonus." 

I smile a little, my fingers still drawing on his chest as I whisper quietly, "So, we'll visit each other?"

He nods, his hand guiding my face back up to his. 

"Yes, we'll visit each other. It'll be okay, baby, I promise," he says before he places a gentle kiss on my lips. 


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