Chapter 116: Possessive

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I'm standing with the VIP balcony within my eye line as I continue talking to Caleb. 

I can see Chris and Taylor on the balcony whenever I glance over, Chris' eyes practically burning into me as he watches me intensely. 

I know he's very possessive, so I'm sure he's worried about me talking to some guy at a nightclub, but Caleb is harmless. 

We were friends for years and we only ever took it further on graduation night. We both agreed that a relationship between us wouldn't work, especially since he was going off to Yale in the fall, so we never dated or did anything beyond that. 

But with the way Chris is watching me right now, I figure it might be best to keep that part out of it when I tell him about Caleb. There's no need for him to know about the fact we had sex, once. Or that it was my first time. 

It was so long ago, it's really a non-issue. It's not like we were in a relationship or in love, or anything like that. I had a crush on Caleb when I first met him, yes, but it gradually changed into a loving friendship, and nothing more. 

The only reason we had sex that night was because we were both virgins, graduating college, and neither of us had found someone we trusted enough to do it with. But we trusted each other. 

We did research prior, it wasn't necessarily sexy, but it was sweet - soft - and I haven't ever regretted it, not even once. It was the most comfortable first time I could have hoped for. 

"So, what are you up to now? I saw on LinkedIn you graduated. Congratulations!"

Caleb's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, immediately reciprocating the bright smile he's sending me. He gives my shoulder a firm squeeze as he finishes his sentence, making me chuckle. 

"Yeah, I did. Finally. It took a while to get there, but I'm so happy I decided to give it another shot. I'm actually working for the district attorney now." 

Calebs brows shoot up in surprise, "Really?! That's amazing! That's what you always wanted." 

I nod and smile, "Yes, it is. It's great, I'm so grateful. And I really love the job." 

"I'm so happy to hear that," Caleb says, grinning at me, "I always knew you would get there, even if your path had a few more twists and turns than mine did." 

I roll my eyes jokingly, "Yeah, we can't all go straight to Yale and land a high-paying job at a prominent law firm our first year out of college." 

He chuckles, shaking his head as he drops it humbly, "Oh shut up, you always gave me shit for that." 

I laugh, "Yeah, because it's not fair that my study buddy was a freaking genius!" 

He scoffs, "Hey, I helped you with intro to family law!" 

I giggle, "Okay, okay, fair. I probably wouldn't have passed that exam if it wasn't for your help. Thank you for that." 

"You're welcome," he replies with a proud smile, making me scoff as I laugh again. 

I take a sip of my drink as my eyes wander back up to the balcony above, expecting to meet Chris' eyes again, but to my surprise, he's not there anymore. Taylor, however, smirks as he raises his glass towards me, making me furrow my brows as I do the same, raising my glass toward him to cheer. 

Caleb glances over his shoulder, quickly noticing Taylor on the balcony before waving at him. Taylor waves back quickly, sending Caleb a wide smile in return. 

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