Chapter 144: Interrupted

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Chris and I finish eating the pastries, slowly packing up to leave and go for a walk, when someone walks up to our table. 

I can practically see the sigh written on his face, despite doing a very good job at keeping it hidden. The two teenage girls who have approached us seem indifferent, clearly not noticing how uncomfortable he feels. 

"Chris?" One of the girls excitedly chimes, smiling from ear to ear when Chris turns to look at her, "Oh my god, I can't believe it's really you! We're such huge fans, could we get a picture with you?" 

I glance down at my cup of coffee, feeling a little bad for him. He put on his disguise, which makes it clear he was trying to stay under the radar, but it's impossible to hide from his fans, they're like hawks. 

"Sure," Chris replies politely before he stands up from his seat. Dodger sits up as well, watching the two girls carefully, and one of them squeals excitedly when she spots him. 

"Oh my god, Dodger!" She cheers, practically lurching forward to pet him. Dodger immediately cowers away, rushing to the other side of my chair to put me between the stranger and himself. 

"He's a little shy," I say with a small smile to the teenager who terrified him by being too friendly right off the bat, "He's not too fond of strangers." 

"Oh," the girl says, her eyes moving from Dodger to me. A moment passes before recognition flashes over her face, her eyes widening, "Amelia! You're Amelia!" 

I chuckle and nod, petting Dodger absentmindedly as he stays glued to my side, "Yes, I am." 

"We love you," the girl says, and her friend chimes in once she's taken a picture with Chris, "Yes, you're so funny, we love the insta posts!"

I smile and nod, "Thank you, that's sweet of you." 

Chris takes a picture with the other girl as well, before he hugs them both. They thank him excitedly, clearly a little overwhelmed, and Chris humbly replies that it's no big deal. 

Once they scatter off, I stand up from my seat, quickly grabbing my things, "Let's get out of here before they post something and we're overrun." 

"Yeah, good idea," Chris mumbles, bending down to place a kiss on Dodgers head, "Sorry about that, bubba." 

"He's okay," I say with a smile as Chris stands back up, "Just a little rattled. He's not as used to them as you are, I guess." 

Chris chuckles as we start walking towards the exit, "He's experienced it before, but not as often, no. I'm not always the one walking him, and in Boston it rarely ever happens." 

I nod as we walk outside, Chris adjusting his cap on his head while I look down at Dodger with a wide smile, "What do you say we go show dad that dog park we found, huh? Does that sound like fun, bud?" 

Dodger's tail starts wagging excitedly as soon as the words dog park leave my lips, and Chris laughs at how the pup jumps up at me excitedly, looking between the two of us. 

"I think that's a yes," he chuckles, taking my free hand and lacing his fingers with mine as we start walking in the direction of the park, "Must have been a lot of fun, hm?"

"I think he's just hoping to see that Golden again, think your boy has a little crush." 

Chris laughs loudly, giving my fingers a squeeze, "Like father like son, I guess." 

"Oh yeah," I snort, smiling teasingly as I look at him, "Being a simp runs in the family." 


Once we get to the dog park, it takes all of two seconds for Dodger to start running around excitedly, mingling with the other dogs playing around. 

Chris and I walk over to a bench to watch, and Chris laughs happily every time Dodger playfully jumps at another dog, initiating contact. 

"He's very hot and cold with other dogs, I love seeing him like this," he says with a wide smile, watching Dodger. 

I chuckle, watching him as well as I reply, "I know you've said he's hesitant but I've never seen that, he was like this earlier today as well." 

"Yeah, dog parks are okay, for the most part," Chris smiles, turning to me. He quirks a brow, "It's usually more of a problem if someone else is in his space. Stealing his spot." 

I turn to Chris, cocking a brow, "You know, I don't have to sleep in that spot. The couch looks real comfy, too. I could always just sleep somewhere else, give you two your proper cuddle time." 

"No no," Chris immediately replies, shaking his head and feigning indifference, "No, it's fine, you've already slept in that bed, makes more sense for you to just.. Stay there." 

I laugh and nudge his shoulder, "Stay in your bed, huh? Yeah, I bet you'd like that." 

"I would actually," Chris smirks, "If I had my way, I'd keep you in my bed at all times. Preferably naked." 

I snort out another laugh, "You're awful!" 

Chris laughs as well, turning back to watch Dodger as he smugly says, "I don't see the issue here, I think it would be a great time." 

I look at him teasingly as I sass, "If you want me to be your fucking baby making machine, you can just say that, Evans. I'm not saying you'll get your way, but at least be honest." 

Chris immediately turns his head to look at me again, his teeth grazing over his bottom lip before he smirks, "Now that you mention it, I would love to have you as my baby making machine." 

I roll my eyes at his words, muttering out, "I'm sure you would. Perv," as I turn back to watch Dodger. 

He wraps an arm over my shoulder, pulling me close to place a kiss in my hair, "I'm only kidding, of course. Although if you did want to quit your job to spend all day in my bed, just waiting for me to come home, I wouldn't protest." 

I snort again, chuckling as I reply, "Thanks for the job offer, I'll get back to you on that." 

He grins, kissing the top of my head again, making me whisper out, "Pervert." 


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The Stranger / Chris Evans x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz